UN Documents for Iraq

Selected Security Council Resolutions View All
31 May 2024 S/RES/2732 This resolution renewed UNAMI's mandate for a final 19-month period until 31 December 2025.
15 September 2023 S/RES/2697 This resolution extended the mandate of the UN Investigative Team to Promote Accountability for Crimes Committed by Da’esh/ISIL (UNITAD) for a final one-year non-extendable term, until 17 September 2024.
30 May 2023 S/RES/2682 This resolution extended UNAMI's mandate until 31 May 2024.
Selected Security Council Presidential Statements View All
19 February 2019 S/PRST/2019/1 The Council welcomed the cooperation between Iraq and Kuwait on the issue of missing Kuwaiti and third-country nationals and the return of missing Kuwaiti property, including national archives.
16 December 2015 S/PRST/2015/25 This was a presidential statement on trafficking in persons in situations of conflict, with a particular focus on ISIS and the impact on women and children.
19 November 2014 S/PRST/2014/23 This was a presidential statement that focused on international cooperation in combating terrorism and addressed the interrelated threats posed by foreign terrorist fighters, violent extremism, Al-Qaida and the Islamic State in Iraq and al-Sham.
Selected Secretary-General's Reports View All
7 May 2024 S/2024/369 This was the Secretary-General's 120-day report on UNAMI, which covered developments from January to May 2024.
25 January 2024 S/2024/96 This was the Secretary-General's 120-day report on UNAMI, which covered developments from September 2023 to February 2024.
25 January 2024 S/2024/95 This was the Secretary-General's report on the issue of missing Kuwaiti and third-party nationals and missing Kuwaiti property.
Selected Sanctions Committee Documents View All
2 January 2020 SC/14068 This was a press release on the removal of 15 entities from the sanctions list.
19 December 2019 S/2019/963 This was the annual report of the 1518 Iraq Sanctions Committee.
30 October 2019 SC/14005 This was a press release on the removal of two entities from the sanctions list.
Selected Security Council Letters View All
8 May 2024 S/2024/373 This was the summary of the IEG’s 8 May meeting on Iraq.
26 March 2024 S/2024/270 This letter transmitted to the Council the strategic independent review of UNAMI, prepared by Volker Perthes, pursuant to resolution 2682 of 30 May 2023.
14 March 2024 S/2024/238 This letter transmitted to the Council a road map for the completion of the mandate of the UN Investigative Team to Promote Accountability for Crimes Committed by Da’esh/ISIL in Iraq (UNITAD) and necessary steps for its closure, requested by resolution 2697 of 15 September 2023
Selected Security Council Meeting Records View All
10 October 2023 S/PV.9432 This was a meeting on Iraq.
7 June 2023 S/PV.9341 The meeting record is on the briefing regarding UNITAD.
2 February 2023 S/PV.9253 This was a meeting on Iraq. Special Representative and head of UNAMI Ms. Jeanine Hennis-Plasschaert briefed on recent developments in Iraq and the Secretary-General’s reports on UNAMI (S/2023/58) and the issue of missing Kuwaiti and third-party nationals and missing Kuwaiti property (S/2023/51).
Selected Security Council Press Statements View All
1 September 2022 SC/15016 In this press statement, Council members condemned the violence throughout Iraq on 29 and 30 August and expressed deep concern over reported deaths and injuries.
28 February 2022 SC/14813 In this press statement, Council members welcomed the ongoing cooperation between Iraq and Kuwait in the search for missing Kuwaiti and third-country nationals.
24 January 2022 SC/14774 In this press statement, Council members condemned in the strongest terms the 21 January terrorist attack in Diyala Province, Iraq.
Selected General Assembly Documents View All
22 November 2005 A/60/235 This letter contained an explanatory memorandum from Costa Rica, explaining the reasons for the request of“Follow-up to the recommendations of the Independent Inquiry Committee into the United Nations Oil-for-Food Programme”.
Selected Human Rights Council Documents View All
5 June 2018 A/HRC/38/44/Add.1 This was the report of the special rapporteur on extrajudicial, summary or arbitrary executions, Agnès Callamard, on her mission to Iraq from 14 to 23 November 2017.
9 January 2017 A/HRC/34/53/Add.1 This was a report of the Special Rapporteur on minority issues on the mission to Iraq.
5 April 2016 A/HRC/32/35/Add.1 This was a report of the Special Rapporteur on the human rights of internally displaced persons on his mission to Iraq.
Selected IAEA Documents View All
18 July 1991 GOV/2531 This draft resolution expressed grave concern about the evident deception and obstruction of IAEA inspectors in Iraq and transmitted those conclusions to the Council.
Selected UNMOVIC Reports View All
9 June 2008 S/2008/372 This report provided a final account of the activities of UNMOVIC.
29 May 2007 S/2007/314 This was the UNMOVIC report.
23 February 2007 S/2007/106 This was a UNMOVIC report.
Selected Working Group on Children and Armed Conflict Documents View All
18 August 2016 S/AC.51/2016/2 The Working Group on Children and Armed Conflict conclusions on Iraq.
3 October 2011 S/AC.51/2011/6 This was the report of the working group on children and armed conflict, stating conclusions on children and armed conflict in Iraq.
Selected Other Documents View All
3 August 2012 S/2012/605 This was the report of the Board of Auditors on the financial statements of the UN Compensation Commission for the biennium ending 31 December 2011.
3 August 2012 S/2012/604 This was the report of the Board of Auditors on the audit of the UN escrow (Iraq) accounts established under resolution 1958 and previous resolutions.
29 October 2009 PR/2009/5 This was the press release by the UNCC announcing that it will pay $610 million to 10 further claimants.