UN Documents for Iran&cbtype=iran: Sanctions Committee Documents

Sanctions Committee Documents Return to full list
30 December 2011 S/2011/806 This was the letter from the chair of the committee established pursuant to resolution1518 to the President of the Council.
20 December 2011 S/2011/790 This was the report on linkages between Al-Qaida and the Taliban.
18 November 2011 S/2011/757 This was a report of the Panel of Experts on Liberia.
15 November 2011 S/2011/720 This letter informed the Council about the replacement of the humanitarian expert serving on the Monitoring Group for Somalia and Eritrea.
12 November 2011 S/2011/111 This was a note from the President of the Council circulating the final report of the Panel of Experts of the Sudan Sanctions Committee dated 20 September 2010.
10 November 2011 S/2011/694 This letter contained the report of the Humanitarian Coordinator for Somalia requested by resolution 1972.
20 September 2011 S/2011/642 This was the midterm report of the Expert Group on on Côte d’Ivoire.
8 September 2011 S/2011/560 This letter informed the Council of the appointment of the eighth member of the Monitoring Group for Somalia and Eritrea.
1 August 2011 S/AC.29/2011/1 This note from the chair of the Sanctions Committee transmitted a letter from the coordinator of the sanctions Monitoring Group, Matt Bryden.
21 July 2011 S/2011/447 This letter transmitted the second report by the Ombudsperson pursuant to resolution 1267.
7 July 2011 S/2011/419 The Secretary-General appointed four individuals to the group of experts for the Côte d’Ivoire sanctions committee.
27 June 2011 S/2011/391 This letter notified the Council that the Secretary-General had reappointed the panel of experts that supports the committee’s work.
21 June 2011 S/2011/377 The Secretary-General appointed the eighth member to the Panel of Experts.
17 May 2011 S/2011/367 This was a midterm report of the panel of experts on Liberia.
16 May 2011 S/2011/313 This was a letter from the Secretary-General on the appointment of members to the Panel of Experts of the Libya Sanctions Committee.