UN Documents for Iran&cbtype=iran: Sanctions Committee Documents

Sanctions Committee Documents Return to full list
7 February 2007 S/AC.49/2007/13 This letter transmitted a note verbal from the Permanent Mission of Guatemala welcoming Security Council resolution 1718.
25 January 2007 S/2007/40 This was a letter from the Chairman of the Security Council Committee established pursuant to resolution 1533 (2004) concerning the DRC addressed to the President of the Security Council transmitting the interim report of the Group of Experts on the DRC.
23 January 2007 S/AC.49/2007/11 This was a letter from the Permanent Representative of the United Arab Emirates to the United Nations addressed to the Chairman of the Committee, providing information on the implementation of resolution 1718 (2006).
22 January 2007 S/AC.49/2007/8 This was a note verbale from the Permanent Mission of the Philippines addressed to the Chairman of the Committee, transmitting information on the implementation of resolution 1718 (2006).
19 January 2007 S/AC.49/2007/12 This was a note verbale from the Permanent Mission of Ukraine to the United Nations addressed to the Chairman of the Committee, transmitting information regarding Ukraine's implementation of resolution 1718 (2006).
19 January 2007 S/AC.49/2007/9 This was a letter from the Permanent Representative of the Socialist Republic of Viet Nam addressed to the Chairman of the Committee, transmitting information on the implementation of resolution 1718 (2006).
19 January 2007 S/AC.49/2007/10 This was a note verbale from the Permanent Mission of Kyrgyzstan to the United Nations addressed to the Chairman of the Committee, providing information on the implementation of resolution 1718 (2006).
17 January 2007 S/AC.49/2007/16 This was a letter from the Permanent Representative of Kuwait addressed to the Chairman of the Committee, regarding the implementation of resolution 1718 (2006).
15 January 2007 S/AC.49/2007/5 This was a letter from the Permanent Representative of Lithuania to the UN addressed to the Chairman of the Committee, transmitting information on the implementation of resolution 1718 (2006).
15 January 2007 S/AC.49/2007/4 This was a letter from the Permanent Representative of Lithuania to the United Nations addressed to the Chairman of the Committee, on the implementation of resolution 1718 (2006).
11 January 2007 S/AC.49/2007/15 This was a letter from the Permanent Representative of Pakistan to the UN addressed to the Chairman of the Committee, transmitting information on the implementation of resolution 1718 (2006).
10 January 2007 S/AC.49/2007/3 This was a note verbale from the Permanent Mission of Indonesia to the United Nations addressed to the Chairman of the Committee, regarding Indonesia's implementation of resolution 1718 (2006).
9 January 2007 S/AC.49/2007/2 This was a letter from the Permanent Representative of Serbia to the United Nations addressed to the Chairman of the Committee, regarding Serbia's implementation of resolution 1718 (2006).
28 December 2006 S/2006/1044 This was the report of the Security Council Committee established pursuant to resolution 1521 (2003) concerning Liberia.
28 December 2006 S/2006/1048 This was the letter from the Chair of the DRC Committee transmitting its report.