UN Documents for Iran&cbtype=iran: Sanctions Committee Documents

Sanctions Committee Documents Return to full list
30 August 2019 S/2019/691 This was the midterm report of the Panel of Experts of the 1718 DPRK Sanctions Committee.
30 August 2019 S/2019/570 This was the 24th report of the Analytical Support and Sanctions Monitoring Team submitted pursuant to resolutions 1267 (1999), 1989 (2011) and 2253 (2015) concerning ISIL (Da’esh), Al-Qaida, and associated individuals and entities.
7 August 2019 S/2019/636 This was the final report of the Mali Panel of Experts
10 July 2019 SC/13878 This was a press release by the 2374 Sanctions Committee on the five individuals added to the sanctions list.
28 June 2019 SC/13868 This was a press release on the removal of 13 entities from the sanctions list.
24 June 2019 SC/13855 This was a press release on the removal of 17 entities from the sanctions list.
12 June 2019 SC/13840 This was a press release about the committee’s 31 May informal consultations at which it received briefings by the Deputy Special Representative for Political Affairs in Libya, Stephanie T. Williams, and the coordinator of the Panel of Experts on the panel’s interim report.
7 June 2019 S/2019/469 This was the final report of the Group of Experts on the Democratic Republic of the Congo.
14 May 2019 SC/13807 This was a press release on the removal of four entities from the sanctions list.
30 April 2019 S/2019/481 This was the 10th report of the Analytical Support and Sanctions Monitoring Team submitted pursuant to resolution 1988 (2011).
9 April 2019 S/2019/301 This was the final report of the South Sudan Sanctions Committee’s Panel of Experts.
8 April 2019 SC/13768 This was a press release about the removal of thirteen entities from the sanctions list.
4 April 2019 SC/13766 This was a press release about the removal of nine entities from the sanctions list.
13 March 2019 SC/13736 This was a press release about the removal of four entities from the sanctions list.
12 March 2019 S/2019/171 This was the final report of the Panel of Experts of the 1718 DPRK Sanctions Committee.