UN Secretary-General's Reports

Secretary-General's Reports View full list
29 July 2003 S/2003/754/Corr.1 This was the correction of the report which identified a deteriorating security situation as the main challenge to the Afghan peace process and reconstruction efforts.
23 July 2003 S/2003/754 This report identified a deteriorating security situation as the main challenge to the Afghan peace process and reconstruction efforts, and emphasised the difficult human rights situation across the country.
22 July 2003 S/2003/665/Add.1 This was the addendum to the progress report of the Secretary-General on Ethiopia and Eritrea.
17 July 2003 S/2003/715 This was a report pursuant to resolution 1483, which established sanctions against the previous Iraqi government and envisaged the termination of the oil-for-food programme within six months.
23 June 2003 S/2003/663 This was the eighteenth report of the Secretary-General on the United Nations Mission in Sierra Leone.
23 June 2003 S/2003/675 This report noted "significant progress" in achieving substantial autonomy and self-government.
20 June 2003 S/2003/661 This was a report of the Secretary-General on the situation in the Central African Republic and activities of BONUCA.
10 June 2003 S/2003/636 This report of the Secretary-General was on Somalia.
30 May 2003 S/2003/565/Corr.1 This was the corrigendum of the eport of the Secretary-General on the situation concerning Western Sahara.
27 May 2003 S/2003/566 This was the second special report of the Secretary-General on the United Nations Organization Mission in the Democratic Republic of the Congo.
23 May 2003 S/2003/565 This was the report of the Secretary-General on the situation concerning Western Sahara.
14 April 2003 S/2003/421 This report noted a significant step in the process of transferring further responsibilities to the Kosovo Provisional Institutions of Self-Government.
1 April 2003 S/2003/398 This was the report of the Secretary-General on his mission of good offices in Cyprus.
31 March 2003 S/2003/257/Add.1 This was the addendum to the progress report of the Secretary-General on Ethiopia and Eritrea.
18 March 2003 S/2003/333 This report emphasised achievements in reconstruction efforts, and consolidation of government authority by the Afghan Transitional Authority. The Secretary-General recommended extending UNAMA's mandate for a further year and expanding it to include an electoral section.