UN Secretary-General's Reports

Secretary-General's Reports View full list
11 July 2002 S/2002/737 This report described the successful holding of the Emergency Loya Jirga which resulted in the election of a Head of State, Hamid Karzai, and the approval of structures and appointments of the Afghan Transitional Authority.
10 July 2002 S/2002/744 This was the report of the Secretary-General on Ethiopia and Eritrea.
27 June 2002 S/2002/709 This report of the Secretary-General was on Somalia.
22 April 2002 S/2002/436 This report welcomed the formation of a government in Kosovo following several months of deadlock.
18 March 2002 S/2002/278 This report contained recommendations for UNAMA's structure.
21 February 2002 S/2002/189 This report of the Secretary-General was on Somalia.
15 January 2002 S/2002/62 This report focused on the election process and UNMIK's preparations to hand over authority to the new government.
10 January 2002 S/2002/41 This was the Secretary-General's report that addressed Moroccan’s attempts to construct a road in the buffer zone in 2001 and 2002.
6 December 2001 S/2001/1157 This was the report on the situation in Afghanistan, from November 2000 to November 2001, including the effects of the military strikes against Afghanistan, and urged a comprehensive approach to Afghanistan.
19 November 2001 S/2001/1086 This was the report on the humanitarian impact of sanctions which could not be issued due to the security situation, and the relocation of UN personnel outside of Afghanistan.
2 October 2001 S/2001/926 This report noted that the primary focus of UNMIK had been on preparing the Kosovo-wide elections, and the acceleration of the transfer of authority at the municipal level.
21 September 2001 S/2001/886 This was the report of the Secretary-General to the Security Council on the situation in the Central African Republic pursuant to the statement by the President.
7 September 2001 S/2001/852 This reported on the implementation of resolution 1314 and covered the measures needed to protect children during and after armed conflict.
17 August 2001 S/2001/789 This was the report on difficulties encountered by UNSMA to develop peace talks between the Taliban and other factions in Afghanistan and the alarming humanitarian situation.
13 July 2001 S/2001/695 This was the report on the effects of the sanctions and indicated that the hardships in Afghanistan were caused primarily by the ongoing conflict, not the sanctions regime.