UN Secretary-General's Reports

Secretary-General's Reports View full list
10 March 2000 S/2000/205 This document reported the targeting of civilians in the conflict, and estimated that the conflict would continue despite calls for a ceasefire from the Security Council.
3 March 2000 S/2000/177 This report noted that UNMIK initiated the process of establishing provisional institutions for autonomous government pending agreement on status, and noted progress in demobilising former combatants.
11 February 2000 S/2000/101 This was on the role of the UN in DDR that included small arms and light weaponry among the primary targets of DDR operations, and highlighted the importance of tracing small arms and combating the illicit trade in small arms.
14 January 2000 S/2000/24 This was the ninth report of the Secretary-General on MINURCA.
23 December 1999 S/1999/1250 This report noted the establishment of the Joint Interim Administrative Structure in Kosovo.
15 December 1999 S/1999/1257 This letter transmitted the report by the independent inquiry commission set up by the Secretary-General concluding that information about human rights must be a natural part of the basis for decision-making on peacekeeping operations, within the Secretariat and by the Security Council.
21 September 1999 S/1999/994 This report reported the successful meeting of the "six-plus-two," and the associated Tashkent Declaration.
16 September 1999 S/1999/987 This report noted some progress in the establishment of the Kosovo Transition Council, but there was still a difficult security situation and continued violence, particularly against minorities.
8 September 1999 S/1999/957 This was the Secretary-General report on the protection of civilians.
30 July 1999 S/1999/836 This was the seventh report of the Secretary-General on the United Nations Observer Mission in Sierra Leone.
12 July 1999 S/1999/779 This report gave an update of the situation on the ground, and outlined a detailed plan for the operation of UNMIK and the management of Kosovo.
30 June 1999 S/1999/726 This was on Libya’s compliance with Council resolutions.
21 June 1999 S/1999/698 This report noted the unwillingness of the Taliban to take part in any peace talks and the cyclical outbreak of hostilities every spring.
12 June 1999 S/1999/672 This was a report on UNMIK
5 April 1999 S/1999/378 This was from the Secretary-General to the president of the Security Council reporting that the two suspects in the Lockerbie case had appeared to stand trial in The Hague.