UN Secretary-General's Reports

Secretary-General's Reports View full list
31 March 1999 S/1999/362 This report noted limited progress in the talks between the Taliban and other factions, but that the talks themselves were a positive sign.
12 February 1999 S/1999/171 This was a report of the Secretary-General on the enhancement of African peacekeeping capacity.
29 January 1999 S/1999/98 This was the Secretary-General's report on the January visit of his Special Envoy to the Central African Republic, Hédi Annabi, in which he recommended an extension of the UN mission in the Central African Republic until August 1999, subject to a determination that the Government of the Central African Republic had made adequate process in carrying out reforms.
2 October 1998 S/1998/913 This report noted the break-down in the peace-talks and the outbreak of fresh hostilities.
22 September 1998 S/1998/883 This was the report on protection for humanitarian assistance to refugees and others in conflict situations.
19 June 1998 S/1998/532 This report noted that the conflict continued, fuelled by inflow of arms from outside sources.
13 April 1998 S/1998/318 This report on the Causes of Conflict and the Promotion of Durable Peace and Sustainable Development in Africa emphasised the importance of DDR in peacekeeping missions, identified the proliferation of small arms as a threat to peace in Africa, and urged the Council to address the issue of illicit arms trade.
17 March 1998 S/1998/222 This report noted the efforts made by UNSMA over the winter to bring together warring factions in Afghanistan, but deplored the continuing supply of arms from foreign parties to all sides.
23 February 1998 S/1998/148 This was the report of the Secretary-General pursuant to resolution 1152 (1998) concerning the situation in the Central African Republic.
23 January 1998 S/1998/61 This was the Secretary-General's report in response to resolution 1136, which recommended that, given the imminent French withdrawal from the Inter-African Mission to Support the Bangui Agreements (MISAB) amidst continuing instability in the Central African Republic, another peacekeeping mission with a structure and role similar to MISAB was necessary, while MISAB should be extended until 15 March 1998.
14 November 1997 S/1997/894 This report noted that a peaceful settlement in Afghanistan remains elusive.
17 September 1997 S/1997/719 This report noted the continued heavy fighting in Afghanistan and the appointment of Lakhdar Brahimi as the Secretary-General's Special Envoy.
16 June 1997 S/1997/482 This report noted the heavy fighting between factions and suggested that any solution would not be forthcoming from a military quarter.
1 November 1995 S/1995/911 This was a report of the Secretary-General on Improving preparedness for conflict prevention and peace-keeping in Africa.
25 January 1995 S/1995/1 This was the position paper of the Secretary-General, Supplement to An Agenda for Peace, on the occasion of the fiftieth anniversary of the United Nations.