UN Secretary-General's Reports

Secretary-General's Reports View full list
21 September 2020 S/2020/919 This report detailed developments in the DRC from 17 June to 18 September 2020 and provided information on adjustments to MONUSCO’s footprint ahead of a potential, and responsible, drawdown.
17 September 2020 S/2020/912 This was the 90-day report of the Secretary-General. 
11 September 2020 S/2020/898 This was the biennial report on cooperation between the UN and regional and other organisations.
8 September 2020 S/2020/890 This was the 90-day report of the Secretary-General on South Sudan.
2 September 2020 S/2020/876 This was on the implementation of resolution 2491.
31 August 2020 S/2020/860 This was a report on strengthening the partnership between the UN and the AU on issues of peace and security in Africa.
25 August 2020 S/2020/832 This was the Secretary-General’s report on UNSMIL.
20 August 2020 S/2020/813 This was the regular 60-day report on the implementation of humanitarian resolutions by all parties to the conflict in Syria.
20 August 2020 S/2020/818 This was the Secretary-General's annual report on progress made with regard to the stabilization and restoration of constitutional order in Guinea-Bissau.
18 August 2020 S/2020/809 This was the Secretary-General’s report on UNAMA.
13 August 2020 S/2020/798 This Secretary-General's report covers major developments in Somalia from 5 May to 4 August 2020.
11 August 2020 S/2020/792 This was the Secretary-General's report on UNAMI and the implementation of resolution 2522.
4 August 2020 S/2020/774 This was the Secretary-General’s 11th biannual strategic-level report on the threat posed by ISIL.
30 July 2020 S/2020/773 This was a report on peacebuilding and sustaining peace, submitted in connection with the 2020 review of the UN peacebuilding architecture.
29 July 2020 S/2020/753 This was the Secretary-General's 27th report on missing Kuwaiti and third-country nationals and missing Kuwaiti property, including the national archives.