UN Documents for Libya: Secretary-General's Reports

Secretary-General's Reports Return to full list
25 August 2021 S/2021/752 This was the Secretary-General's report covering developments in Libya between 11 May and 25 August 2021.
11 May 2021 S/2021/451 This was a Secretary-General's report submitted pursuant to Security Council resolutions 2510 (2020) and 2542 (2020), covering latest political, security-related and economic developments in Libya, as well as UNSMIL activities.
5 May 2021 S/2021/434 This was the Secretary-General's report on the implementation of resolution 2526.
19 January 2021 S/2021/62 This report was on UNSMIL.
29 December 2020 S/2020/1309 This was a report proposing ceasefire monitoring arrangements.
2 September 2020 S/2020/876 This was on the implementation of resolution 2491.
25 August 2020 S/2020/832 This was the Secretary-General’s report on UNSMIL.
15 May 2020 S/2020/393 This was the report on the implementation of resolution 2473.
5 May 2020 S/2020/360 This was the Secretary-General’s report on UNMSIL.
6 April 2020 S/2020/275 This was the report on the implementation of resolution 2491.
15 January 2020 S/2020/41 This was a report on UNSMIL.
5 September 2019 S/2019/711 This was on the implementation of resolution 2437.
26 August 2019 S/2019/682 This was on UNSMIL.
10 May 2019 S/2019/380 This was the Secretary General’s report on the implementation of resolution 2420, authorising member states, acting nationally or through regional organisations, to inspect vessels on the high seas off the coast of Libya bound to or from the country that they have reasonable grounds to believe are violating the arms embargo.
7 January 2019 S/2019/19 This was the Secretary-General's report on UNSMIL.