UN Secretary-General's Reports

Secretary-General's Reports View full list
27 October 2017 S/2017/907 This was the Secretary-General's 60-day report on UNAMID.
25 October 2017 S/2017/902 This was a report on the humanitarian situation in Syria.
19 October 2017 S/2017/881 This was the 90-day report on UNAMI.
18 October 2017 S/2017/865 This was the Secretary-General's report on MINUSCA.
17 October 2017 S/2017/870 Report of the Secretary-General on the situation in Abyei.
16 October 2017 S/2017/861 This was the annual report on women and peace and security.
16 October 2017 S/2017/869 This was the Secretary-General's report on the Joint Force of the Group of Five for the Sahel.
12 October 2017 S/2017/859 This was the Secretary-General's report on piracy and armed robbery off the coast of Somalia.
2 October 2017 S/2017/824 This was the report on MONUSCO.
29 September 2017 S/2017/826 This was a special report on the strategic review of MONUSCO.
29 September 2017 S/2017/825 This was a report on the implementation of the Peace, Security and Cooperation Framework of the DRC and the region.
28 September 2017 S/2017/811 This was the Secretary-General's report on the situation in Mali.
28 September 2017 S/2017/814 This was a report on the Secretary-General's mission of good offices in Cyprus.
27 September 2017 S/2017/810 This was the Secretary-General's report on the United Nations Disengagement Observer Force for the period from 17 May to 9 September 2017.
21 September 2017 S/2017/794 This was on the humanitarian situation.