UN Documents for Syria: Secretary-General's Reports

Secretary-General's Reports Return to full list
26 October 2015 S/2015/820 This was the 25th OPCW report on chemical weapons.
22 October 2015 S/2015/813 This was the Secretary-General’s report on the humanitarian situation.
24 September 2015 S/2015/737 This was the 24th OPCW report.
10 September 2015 S/2015/698 This was the Secretary-General’s report on the humanitarian situation.
26 August 2015 S/2015/668 This was the 23rd OPCW report on chemical weapons.
20 August 2015 S/2015/651 This was the Secretary-General's report on the humanitarian situation.
28 July 2015 S/2015/572 This was the 22nd OPCW report on chemical weapons.
23 July 2015 S/2015/561 This was the Secretary-General’s report on the humanitarian situation.
26 June 2015 S/2015/485 This was the 21st OPCW report on chemical weapons.
23 June 2015 S/2015/468 This was the Secretary-General’s report on the humanitarian situation.
28 May 2015 S/2015/391 This was on the 20th OPCW report on chemical weapons.
22 May 2015 S/2015/368 This was the Secretary-General's report on the humanitarian situation.
28 April 2015 S/2015/295 This was on the 19th OPCW report on chemical weapons.
17 April 2015 S/2015/264 This was the report of the Secretary-General on the humanitarian situation.
25 March 2015 S/2015/211 This was on the 18th OPCW report on chemical weapons.