UN Documents for Iraq: Security Council Letters

Security Council Letters Return to full list
19 August 2005 S/2005/536 This was a letter from the Council concerning the termination of operations relating to letters of credit raised against the United Nations Iraq Account.
3 August 2005 S/2005/509 The Secretary-General recommended that the Council extend UNAMI's mandate by 12 months.
13 April 2005 S/AC.44/2004/(02)/116 This was a letter from Iraq to the Chairman of the Security Council Committee established pursuant to resolution 1540 (2004) submitting Iraq’s national report.
1 January 2005 S/2005/363 This was a letter from Bahrain to the Secretary-General which transmitted the Joint Communiqué of the Ministerial Meeting between the Gulf Cooperation Council states and the EU, expressing appreciation to ICRC and the Tripartite Commission for seeking Kuwaiti and third-country nationals and missing persons whose fate and whereabouts were still unknown.
20 December 2004 S/2005/847 This was a letter from the Chairman of the Independent Inquiry Committee asking to maintain the operation of the Independent Inquiry Committee until the end of March 2006.
11 November 2004 S/2005/713 This was a letter from the Council concerning the termination of operations relating to the letters of credit raised against the United Nations Iraq Account.
21 September 2004 S/2004/764 This was a letter on the security arrangements for UNAMI.
13 April 2004 S/2004/116 This was Iraq's national report.
5 February 2004 S/AC.44/2004/(02)/116/Add.1 This was the addendum of Iraq's national report.
8 May 2003 S/2003/538 This was a letter from the US and the UK with the Coalition's statement of purpose.
16 September 2002 S/2002/1034 This was the letter from Iraq permitting the entry of UNMOVIC weapons inspectors to the country without conditions.
10 February 2002 S/2002/112 This was a letter on the appointment of High-Level Coordinator Yuli M. Vorontsov.
14 April 2000 S/2000/321 This was the letter from the Russian delegation criticising UNMOVIC's organisational plan for not clearly prescribing procedures for conducting inspections, and for failing to mention the need to reach an agreement on these procedures with Baghdad.
10 March 2000 S/2000/207 This was the Secretary-General's appointment of the College of Commissioners.
27 January 2000 S/2000/61 This was the Council approval of the nomination of the Executive Chairman.