UN Documents for Children and Armed Conflict: Security Council Letters

Security Council Letters Return to full list
12 June 2024 S/2024/468 This was a letter from the Republic of Korea, transmitting the concept note for the Security Council's annual open debate on children and armed conflict, held on 26 June 2024.
23 June 2023 S/2023/470 This was a concept note prepared by the UK ahead of the Council's annual open debate on children and armed conflict, held on 5 July 2023.
2 February 2023 S/2023/80 This was a concept note circulated by Malta ahead of a briefing on the prevention of grave violations against children, which took place on 13 February 2023.
5 July 2022 S/2022/540 This was a concept note prepared by Brazil ahead of the annual open debate on children and armed conflict, which took place on 19 July.
1 July 2022 S/2021/617 This letter contained the statements made at the annual open debate on children and armed conflict, which was held virtually on 28 June 2021.
8 June 2021 S/2021/541 This was a concept note prepared by Estonia ahead of the annual open debate on children and armed conflict, which took place on 28 June 2021.
23 December 2020 S/2020/1288 This was a letter from the Permanent Representative of Belgium to the United Nations in which he provided observations on the work of the Working Group on Children and Armed Conflict.
26 June 2020 S/2020/594 This letter contained a record of the statements made at the open debate on children and armed conflict, held on 23 June 2020.
30 July 2019 S/2019/605 A concept note circulated by Poland for the open debate, suggesting members focus on a number of themes including the high number of children killed and maimed and the continuing issue of rape and other forms of violence.
20 December 2018 S/2018/1145 This was a letter from the 2017-2018 chair of the Working Group on Children and Armed Conflict, Ambassador Olof Skoog (Sweden), containing his reflections on the children and armed conflict agenda.
29 July 2016 S/2016/662 This was a concept note for the debate on children and armed conflict.
1 June 2015 S/2015/402 This was the concept note for the open debate on children and armed conflict.
6 March 2015 S/2015/168 This was a concept note circulated by France for the open debate on children and armed conflict focused on child victims of non-state armed groups.
1 March 2014 S/2014/144 This was a concept note for the debate on children and armed conflict.
13 March 2013 S/2013/158 This was a letter from Liechtenstein transmitting the report from the Princeton Workshop that focused on approaches to increase pressure on persistant perpetrators.