UN Documents for Sudan: Security Council Letters

Security Council Letters Return to full list
18 March 2019 S/2019/249 This was the appointment of five experts to the Panel of Experts assisting the 1591 Sudan Sanctions Committee.
8 March 2019 S/2019/227 This was the appointment of the Special Envoy for the Horn of Africa.
7 December 2018 S/2018/1101 This was a letter from Sudan to the President of the Security Council attaching the press release issued on the signing of the pre-Doha negotiation agreement between the government of the Sudan and the Minni Minawi faction of the Sudanese Liberation Army and the Gibril Ibrahim faction of the Justice and Equality Movement, in Berlin on 6 December 2018.
6 November 2017 S/2017/932 This was a letter transmitting the joint communiqué issued at the end of the summit meeting between the presidents of Sudan and South Sudan in Khartoum on 1 and 2 November 2017.
17 October 2017 S/2017/876 This was a letter from the government of Sudan conveying its decision to extend the unilateral ceasefire until 31 December 2017.
15 October 2015 S/2015/796 This was a letter from the Permanent Representative of Sudan to the Council President regarding customs clearance for UNAMID containers.
20 March 2015 S/2015/202 This was a letter transmitting the ICC’s Pre-Trial Chamber II’s finding of non-compliance.
17 November 2014 S/2014/819 This was a letter from Sudan containing a statement from its Ministry of Foreign Affairs denying accusations of mass rape in Tabit.
29 October 2014 S/2014/771 This contained the Secretary-General's overview of the report into allegations that UNAMID's reporting had been manipulated, as well as the executive summary of the report.
3 February 2014 S/2014/81 This was a letter from the Permanent Mission of Sudan to the Council, stating that the ICRC had not complied with humanitarian principles and guidelines that govern the relations with the host country.
15 April 2013 S/2013/229 This letter from the Secretary-General to the Council forwarding the decision by the ICC that Chad was in non compliance with the ICC by continuing to welcome Bashir into its territory despite warnings by the Court.
18 December 2012 S/2012/944 This letter from the president of the Security Council concerned the appointment of Maohamed Ibn Chambas as the new AU-UN Joint Special Representative and Joint Chief Mediator ad interim.
14 December 2012 S/2012/943 This letter from the Secretary-General concerned the appointment of Maohamed Ibn Chambas as the new AU-UN Joint Special Representative and Joint Chief Mediator ad interim.
22 May 2012 S/2012/352 This letter from South Sudan to the Council accused Sudan of bombings and ground incursions on its territory.
15 May 2012 S/2012/326 This letter from Sudan to the Council concerned a map of South Sudan.