UN Documents for Western Sahara: Security Council Letters

Security Council Letters Return to full list
6 December 2007 S/2007/714 This was a letter from Morocco complaining that the Polisario’s congress due to take place from 14 to 18 December in the buffer strip was a breach of the ceasefire agreement.
27 August 2007 S/2007/510 This was a letter from the president of the Security Council on the appointment of General Zhao Jingmin as MINURSO's new force commander.
22 August 2007 S/2007/509 This was a letter from the Secretary-General on the appointment of General Zhao Jingmin as MINURSO's new force commander.
16 April 2007 S/2007/210 This was a letter from South Africa to the Council transmitting the Polisario plan.
11 April 2007 S/2007/206 This was a letter from Morocco to the Council transmitting the Moroccan plan.
5 February 2007 S/2007/56 This was a letter from the President of the Security Council on the appointment of Julian Harston as the new Special Representative for Western Sahara and Head of UN Mission for the Referendum in Western Sahara (MINURSO).
31 January 2007 S/2007/55 This was a letter from the Secretary-General on the appointment of Julian Harston as the new Special Representative for Western Sahara and Head of UN Mission for the Referendum in Western Sahara (MINURSO).
26 June 2006 S/2006/466 This was a letter from the Secretary-General reminding the Council of its recommendations and expecting progress on the impasse.
26 April 2006 S/2006/266 This was a letter from Namibia describing the Secretary-General's approach as an "attempt to legalize the occupation of Western Sahara."
24 April 2006 S/2006/258 This was a letter from Algeria reiterating that a solution had to be found on the basis of Baker Plan II.
24 February 2006 S/2006/129 This was a note verbale from Morocco to the Secretary-General on the provocative nature of a planned demonstration by the other parties.
7 February 2006 S/2006/84 This was a letter from Namibia including a letter from the Polisario reiterating its position.
26 January 2006 S/2006/52 This was a letter from Morocco on Polisario's activities in the buffer strip.
26 September 2005 S/2005/605 This was a letter from Algeria responding to Morocco's criticisms in S/2005/602.
23 September 2005 S/2005/602 This was a letter from Morocco criticizing Algeria with regard to the conflict in Western Sahara.