UN Documents for Yemen: Security Council Letters

Security Council Letters Return to full list
21 April 2020 S/2020/313 This contained the records of the briefings and statements made during the open part of the 16 April 2020 Council VTC meeting on Yemen.
31 March 2020 S/2020/257 This was a letter from Saudi Arabia on the 28 March Houthi ballistic missile attacks.
29 March 2020 S/2020/244 This letter transmitted the statement issued by the Government of Yemen welcoming the call by the Special Envoy, Martin Griffiths, to convene an urgent meeting to discuss a comprehensive ceasefire and mechanisms to unify efforts aimed at addressing a potential outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic in Yemen.
16 March 2020 S/2020/207 This was a letter from Yemen on the suspension of its participation in the Redeployment Coordination Committee overseeing the Hodeidah agreement.
11 March 2020 S/2020/200 This was a letter from Djibouti, Egypt, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, the Sudan and Yemen on the risks posed by the SAFER oil tanker.
20 January 2020 S/2020/51 This was from the Yemeni government on the 18 January missile attack against the Al-Istikbal Base that killed more than 100 people.
14 October 2019 S/2019/823 This was a review on UNMHA.
30 September 2019 S/2019/778 This was a letter from the Yemeni government, rejecting UAE claims of fighting terrorism to justify its attacks on 28 and 29 August against Yemeni armed forces.
11 September 2019 S/2019/735 In this letter, Council members took note of the Secretary-General's intended appointment of Abhijit Guha as RCC chair and head of UNMHA.
6 September 2019 S/2019/734 This letter expressed the Secretary-General's intention to appoint Abhijit Guha (India) as the new Chair of the Redeployment Coordination Committee and Head of UNMHA.
3 September 2019 S/2019/706 In this letter, the UAE informed the Council that it conducted airstrikes on 28 and 29 August against “terrorist elements” that threatened coalition forces in Aden.
29 August 2019 S/2019/698 This letter from the Yemeni government was on the UAE's air strikes against government forces and support for militias outside the government's control.
23 August 2019 S/2019/678 This was a letter from the UAE rejecting the claims made by the Permanent Representative of Yemen at the Council's 20 August briefing.
8 August 2019 S/2019/647 This was a letter from Yemen, attaching a statement by the government on the armed escalation in Aden.
14 June 2019 S/2019/494 This was a letter from Iran rejecting claims by Saudi Arabia's 13 June letter of backing the Houthis following attack on Abha International Airport.