UN Documents for Iran: Security Council Letters

Security Council Letters Return to full list
10 October 2008 S/2008/643 This was a letter from Iran enclosing a 6 October letter from Iranian negotiator Jalili Solana and to the E3+3 on the failure to proceed with the diplomatic track.
9 September 2008 S/2008/599 This was a letter from Iran complaining about Israel’s threats against Iran.
15 August 2008 S/2008/554 This was a letter from Iran reiterating that its nuclear programme is peaceful, that all ambiguities regarding its nuclear activities have been removed and that, therefore, there is no ground for placing this issue on the Council’s agenda; the letter also rejected accusations that some Iranian banks have been involved in financing related to nuclear proliferation and terrorism activities.
22 July 2008 S/2008/482 This was a letter from Israel calling on the international community to address the threats posed by the emergence of a nuclear Iran, and alleging that Iran is a regional source of instability and extremism that exports terrorism by supporting Hamas and Hezbollah.
17 June 2008 S/2008/397 This was a letter from Iran enclosing its 13 May proposed package for constructive negotiation with the E3+3.
16 June 2008 S/2008/393 This was a letter from the UK enclosing the E3+3's 12 June letter to Iran and a revised package of proposals for a possible basis of cooperation.
6 June 2008 S/2008/377 This was a letter from Iran protesting Israeli threats of resorting to use force against Iran.
24 March 2008 S/2008/203 This was a letter from Iran’s foreign minister reacting to the Council’s adoption of resolution 1803.
27 February 2008 S/2008/138 This was a letter from Iran saying that it had fully implemented the work plan, and arguing therefore that the ambiguities and pretexts on the basis of which the Iranian nuclear issue was put on the agendas of the IAEA and the Council had ceased to exist.
22 February 2008 S/2008/116 This was a letter from Iran commenting on the latest IAEA report.
19 February 2008 S/2008/110 This was a letter from Israel protesting remarks by two senior members of the Iranian government threatening Israel with complete destruction.
19 February 2008 S/2008/117 This was a letter from Iran protesting remarks by the Israeli prime minister and an Israeli ambassador threatening to use military action against Iran.
30 November 2007 S/2007/692 This was a letter by Iran on its cooperation with the IAEA.
21 June 2007 S/2007/378 This was a letter from Iran rejecting allegations made by Nicholas Burns, US Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs, implicating Iran in terrorist attacks.
13 June 2007 S/2007/355 This was a letter from Iran regarding the abduction of 5 Iranian consular officers in Erbil (Iraq) by the US.