UN Documents for Iran: Security Council Letters

Security Council Letters Return to full list
11 June 2007 S/2007/354 This was a letter from Iran denouncing Israel's threats of resorting to force against Iran, and requesting the Council to react to those.
1 June 2007 S/2007/343 This was a letter from Iran to the Secretary-General concerning US media coverage of the head of the terrorist group "Jundullah".
1 June 2007 S/2007/342 This was a letter from Iran to the Secretary-General alleging the uncovering of American espionage networks in Iran, and requesting explanations from the US.
1 June 2007 S/2007/341 This was a letter from Iran to the Secretary-General concerning US media coverage of the head of the terrorist group "Jundullah".
29 March 2007 S/2007/180 This was the letter from Iran claiming the violation of Iranian territorial waters by two British naval vessels.
19 January 2007 S/2007/28 This was a letter from Iran strongly condemning the US military attack on the Iranian consulate in the Iraqi city of Erbil and the abduction of the Iranian officers.
1 January 2007 S/2007/765 This was a letter from Iran reacting to the NIE report.
23 December 2006 S/2006/1024 This was a response from Iran to the adoption of resolution 1737.
19 December 2006 S/2006/1008 This was a letter from Iran drawing attention to unlawful possession of nuclear weapons by Israel.
7 December 2006 S/2006/985 This was a letter from the UK containing the guidelines for sensitive missile-relevant transfers.
11 October 2006 S/2006/806 This was a letter from Iran transmitting its response to the EU3+3 June package of proposals.
13 July 2006 S/2006/521 This was a letter from France to the President of the Council enclosing the proposals of the P5+1 for a comprehensive long-term arrangement with Iran.
18 May 2006 S/2006/305 This was the letter from the Permanent Observer of the League of Arab States.
27 April 2006 S/2006/273 This was the letter from Iran to the Secretary-General deploring recent US statements that "all options remain on the table" to deal with Iran.
17 March 2006 S/2006/178 This was the letter from Iran to the Secretary-General deploring US threats to resort to force against Iran.