UN Documents for Sudan: Security Council Letters

Security Council Letters Return to full list
17 August 2011 S/2011/522 This letter from Sudan refuted the report on human rights violations in Southern Kordofan.
9 August 2011 S/2011/511 This letter from the president of the Security Council concerned on the UNISFA reconnaissance mission regarding border arrangements in Abyei.
5 August 2011 S/2011/510 This letter from the Secretary-General concerned the UNISFA reconnaissance mission regarding border arrangements in Abyei.
27 July 2011 S/2011/466 This letter contained the communiqué of the AU PSC on UNAMID’s mandate renewal.
14 July 2011 S/2011/434 This letter from Ethiopia transmitted a 4 July IGAD communique regarding Sudan, Somalia and Eritrea.
23 June 2011 S/2011/384 This letter from the Secretary-General to the Council conveyed the Abyei agreement of 20 June.
31 May 2011 S/2011/333 This was a letter from the Foreign Minister of Sudan to the Secretary-General conveying the decision of the government of Sudan to terminate the presence of UNMIS in Sudan as of 9 July 2011.
17 May 2011 S/2011/318 This was a letter from the Secretary-General conveying the decision of the ICC judges to inform the Council about Sudanese President Omar Al-Bashir's travel to Djibouti.
11 March 2011 S/2011/128 This was a letter from the government of Sudan to the president of the Council explaining the referendum on the administrative status of Darfur.
5 January 2011 S/2011/17 This was a letter from the government of Sudan to the Security Council with a concept paper on the position of the government of Sudan on the Darfur peace talks in Doha.
15 December 2010 S/2010/642 This was a letter from the government of Sudan to the Security Council outlining the work of the prosecutor general entrusted with investigating the crimes in Darfur.
4 October 2010 S/2010/509 This was a letter from the President of the Security Council addressed to the Secretary-General transmitting the terms of reference of the Council visit to Sudan.
28 May 2010 S/2010/265 This was a letter from the Secretary-General to the Security Council transmitting the Decision by the Pre-Trial Chamber of the International Criminal Court informing the Security Council about the lack of cooperation by the Republic of Sudan.
29 January 2010 S/2010/57 This was a letter from the Secretary-General informing the Council his intention to appoint Haile Menkerios as his Special Representative for the Sudan.
17 November 2009 S/2009/599 This was the letter transmitting the report of the AU High-Level Panel on Darfur.