UN Documents for Syria: Security Council Letters

Security Council Letters Return to full list
24 July 2015 S/2015/563 Turkey reported to the Security Council that it was taking military action against ISIS in Syria, citing Article 51 of the UN Charter—the right of self-defence under Chapter VII.
18 June 2015 S/2015/454 Seventy-one member states that strongly believe the protection situation in Syria is getting worse—including the P3 and elected Council members Jordan, Lithuania, Malaysia, New Zealand and Spain—sent a letter to the Security Council expressing outrage at the continued indiscriminate use of weapons, such as barrel bombs.
12 March 2015 S/2015/176 This was a concept note prepared by France for a ministerial-level open debate on protection of minorities in the Middle East.
6 February 2015 S/2015/95 Transmitted the OPCW decision on chlorine bombs.
30 December 2014 S/2014/955 This was the transmission of the OPCW fact-finding mission’s reports to the Security Council.
25 November 2014 S/2014/851 Was a letter from the UK that said it was taking measures to support the US-led international effort against ISIS and cited Article 51 of the UN Charter—the right of individual or collective self-defence under Chapter VII.
23 September 2014 S/2014/695 In a letter to the Secretary-General, the US said that Iraq had requested it to lead the international effort to strike ISIS in Syria to end continuing attacks on Iraq, and it cited article 51 of the UN Charter—the right of individual or collective self-defence under Chapter VII.
20 September 2014 S/2014/691 In a letter to the Security Council, the Iraqi Foreign Minister noted that ISIS posed a direct threat to Iraq and had established a safe haven outside of Iraq’s borders; he requested the US to strike ISIS.
18 June 2014 S/2014/426 This letter from Syria stated that the delivery of aid without consent constitutes an attack on their country.
19 May 2014 S/2014/361 This was a letter from Switzerland, on behalf of 58 member states, calling for all UN member states to co-sponsor the draft resolution referring Syria since to the ICC.
16 April 2014 S/2014/285 This letter from the opposition Syrian National Coalition urged an investigation into the alleged use of chemical agents on 11 April.
2 April 2014 S/2014/244 This letter from France transmitted the “Caesar Report” regarding torture and executions in Syrian detention facilities.
12 December 2013 S/2013/735 This letter transmitted the final report of the UN investigation into chemical weapons use in Syria.
10 December 2013 S/2013/730 This was the Secretary-General's update regarding Phase III destruction activities of Syria's chemical weapons programme. This letter was noted by the Council in S/2013/731.
16 October 2013 S/2013/609 This letter noted the appointment of Sigrid Kaag as the Special Coordinator of the OPCW-UN Joint Mission.