UN Documents for Syria: Security Council Letters

Security Council Letters Return to full list
13 October 2013 S/2013/608 This letter from the Secretary-General informed the Council of his intention to appoint Sigrid Kaag (Netherlands) to the post of Special Coordinator of the OPCW-UN Joint Mission.
11 October 2013 S/2013/603 In this letter, the Council authorised the establishment of the OPCW-UN Joint Mission.
7 October 2013 S/2013/591 This was the Secretary-General's recommendations for establishing the OPCW-UN Joint Mission.
27 September 2013 S/2013/580 This was the OPCW decision on the destruction of Syrian chemical weapons.
19 September 2013 S/2013/565 This letter contained the Russian and US framework for the elimination of Syrian chemical weapons agreed in Geneva on 14 September.
25 April 2013 S/2013/247 This was a letter from Prince Zeid Ra’ad Zeid Al Hussein, Ambassador of Jordan, seeking to address the Council on the issue of the influx of Syrian refugees into Jordon as a threat to international peace and security.
25 March 2013 S/2013/184 This letter from the Secretary-General informed the Council of his intention to conduct an investigation into the alleged use of chemical weapons in Syria.
17 January 2013 S/2013/30 This letter from Syria to the President of the Security Council was in response to a previous letter (S/2013/19) from Switzerland requesting the Council to refer the situation in Syria since March 2011 to the ICC.
14 January 2013 S/2013/19 Switzerland sent a letter requesting the Council to refer the situation in Syria since March 2011 to the ICC. The letter was co-signed by 56 other member states including Council members Australia, France, Luxembourg, the Republic of Korea and the UK.
17 August 2012 S/2012/654 This letter from the Security Council reiterated support for the Secretary-General's good offices and for the Joint Special Representative for Syria.
10 August 2012 S/2012/618 This letter from the Secretary-General was on the implementation of resolution 2059 and confirmed the conditions for a further renewal of UNSMIS had not been achieved.
13 July 2012 S/2012/542 This letter was from Special Envoy Kofi Annan regarding the Tremseh attacks.
5 July 2012 S/2012/522 This was the final communiqué of the 30 June meeting of the Action Group for Syria in Geneva.
27 May 2012 S/2012/368 This letter from the Secretary-General concerned on the el-Houleh attacks.
25 May 2012 S/2012/363 This letter from the Secretary-General concerned the el-Houleh attacks.