UN Documents for Afghanistan: Security Council Meeting Records

Security Council Meeting Records Return to full list
22 October 1999 S/PV.4055 During this meeting, the Council condemned the Taliban for continuing military offensives and for sheltering terrorists.
15 October 1999 S/PV.4051 The Council unanimously voted to adopt resolution 1267 and demanded the Taliban turn over Usama bin Laden to appropriate authorities.
27 August 1999 S/PV.4039 (Resumption 1) During the resumption of the meeting, the Council heard from numerous states calling to end outside interference in Afghanistan and for access for humanitarian aid.
8 December 1998 S/PV.3952 The Council adopted resolution 1214 unanimously, and also demanded that Taliban stop providing sanctuary for terrorists.
15 September 1998 S/PV.3926 The Council agreed to issue a presidential statement (S/PRST/1998/27).
28 August 1998 S/PV.3921 (Resumption) This was the resumption of the meeting during which the Council unanimously voted to adopt resolution 1193.
6 August 1998 S/PV.3914 The Council expressed deep concern at the serious humanitarian crisis in Afghanistan and demanded an end to hostilities.
14 July 1998 S/PV.3906 The Council adopted a statement expressing grave concern at the continuing conflict and its threat to regional stability and called on parties to engage in a dialogue.
6 April 1998 S/PV.3869 This meeting called on Afghan factions, particularly the Taliban, to take steps to assure the safety of UN personnel.
16 December 1997 S/PV.3841 It was agreed to issue a presidential statement (S/PRST/1997/55).
9 July 1997 S/PV.3796 During this meeting, it was agreed to issue a presidential statement (S/PRST/1997/35).
16 April 1997 S/PV.3765 (Resumption 2) This was the second resumption of a meeting about Afghanistan and the Taliban.
15 April 1997 S/PV.3765 (Resumption 1) This is the first resumption of extended meetings about Afghanistan and the Taliban, during which the Council called on the warring factions to stop fighting and for states to halt supplies of weapons to Afghanistan.
22 October 1996 S/PV.3706 The Council adopted resolution 1076 unanimously and called on states not to interfere in Afghanistan's internal affairs.
16 October 1996 S/PV.3705 This was a day long open debate in which the Council was addressed by representatives from neighbouring states to Afghanistan, among others, about the worsening situation in Afghanistan, and the involvement of troops from Pakistan in the conflict.