UN Documents for Yemen: Security Council Meeting Records

Security Council Meeting Records Return to full list
13 October 2022 S/PV.9152 This was a Council briefing on Yemen.
15 August 2022 S/PV.9110 This was the monthly briefing on Yemen with Special Envoy Hans Grundberg and Acting Director, Operations and Advocacy Division, OCHA Ghada Mudawi.
13 July 2022 S/PV.9091 This was the adoption and explanation of vote on the mandate renewal of UNMHA.
11 July 2022 S/PV.9088 This was a briefing on Yemen with Special Envoy Hans Grundberg and Assistant Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs Joyce Msuya.
14 June 2022 S/PV.9063 This was a Council briefing on Yemen.
14 April 2022 S/PV.9017 This was a briefing on Yemen.
15 March 2022 S/PV.8995 This was a briefing on Yemen with Special Envoy Grundberg and Under-Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs Martin Griffiths.
28 February 2022 S/PV.8981 This was the meeting record for the adoption of resolution 2624 renewing the Yemen sanctions regime and the explanation of votes.
15 February 2022 S/PV.8966 This was a briefing on Yemen with Special Envoy Grundberg, USG for Humanitarian Affairs Martin Griffiths and the Chair of the 2140 Sanctions Committee Ambassador Hoxha (Albania).
12 January 2022 S/PV.8946 This was a briefing on Yemen with Special Envoy Hans Grundberg, Acting Assistant Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs Ramesh Rajasingham and Ola Al-Aghbary, the Chief Executive Officer of Sheba Youth Foundation for Development.
14 December 2021 S/PV.8929 This was a briefing on Yemen.
14 October 2021 S/PV.8878 This was a briefing on Yemen.
10 September 2021 S/PV.8854 This was the meeting record of the first briefing by the Special Envoy for Yemen, Hans Grundberg.
23 August 2021 S/PV.8840 This was a briefing on Yemen.
15 June 2021 S/PV.8797 This was the final briefing of Martin Griffiths as UN Special Envoy for Yemen.