UN Documents for Sudan: Security Council Meeting Records

Security Council Meeting Records Return to full list
8 December 2011 S/PV.6679 This was a meeting on the situation in Sudan/South Sudan.
11 November 2011 S/PV.6656 This briefing was on the situation in Sudan.
25 October 2011 S/PV.6638 At this meeting the Council discussed a Secretary-General’s report on UNAMID.
29 July 2011 S/PV.6597 This was the Council’s discussion of a Secretary-General’s report on UNAMID.
22 July 2011 S/PV.6589 This was a briefing by the head of UNAMID, Ibrahim Gambari.
13 July 2011 S/PV.6583 This was a high-level debate on South Sudan on the occasion of its independence.
20 June 2011 S/PV.6559 This was a briefing by Thabo Mbeki and Haile Menkerios on the situation in Abyei.
8 June 2011 S/PV.6548 This briefing by the prosecutor of the ICC covered the progress of the Court's work in Sudan.
31 May 2011 S/PV.6542 This was a briefing on the situation in Abyei following the Sudanese military takeover on 21 May.
20 April 2011 S/PV.6519 This was a briefing to the Council on the quarterly report of UNAMID.
20 April 2011 S/PV.6517 This was a briefing to the Council on the quarterly report of UNMIS.
21 March 2011 S/PV.6499 This was the communiqué of a private meeting of the Council with representatives of the governments of Sudan and Southern Sudan.
9 February 2011 S/PV.6478 These were briefings to the Council on the occasion of the formal announcement of the results of the Southern Sudan referendum.
26 January 2011 S/PV.6474 These were briefings by the head of UNAMID and the Assistant Secretary-General for peacekeeping operations on the quarterly reports on UNAMID and UNMIS.
18 January 2011 S/PV.6468 These were briefings by the head of UNMIS and the head of the Secretary-General's panel on the referenda in Sudan.