UN Documents for Democratic Republic of the Congo: Security Council Resolutions

Security Council Resolutions Return to full list
21 June 1966 S/RES/223 This resolution recommended Guyana for UN membership.
9 April 1966 S/RES/221 This resolution authorised the UK to use force to prevent the supply of oil to Southern Rhodesia.
5 November 1965 S/RES/215 After the cease-fire called for in S/RES/209, S/RES/210, S/RES/211, and S/RES/214 did not materialize, the Council demanded that representatives of India and Pakistan meet with a representative of the Secretary-General.
27 September 1965 S/RES/214 This resolution expressed concern that the cease-fire called for in S/RES209, S/RES/2010, and S/RES/211 was not holding despite both India and Pakistan agreeing to it. The Council demanded that the parties honor their commitment, cease fire, and withdraw all armed personnel
20 September 1965 S/RES/211 After the calls for a cease-fire in S/RES/209 and S/RES/2010 went unheeded, with this resolution the Council demanded that a cease-fire take effect on 22 September with both forces withdrawing to the positions held before 5 August.
20 September 1965 S/RES/212 This resolution recommended Maldives (the Maldive Islands) for UN membership.
20 September 1965 S/RES/213 This resolution recommended Singapore for UN membership.
6 September 1965 S/RES/210 This resolution concerned the Secretary-General’s report on the developments in Kashmir. The Council called on India and Pakistan to cease hostilities in the entire area of conflict and withdraw all armed personnel to the positions they held before 5 August 1965
4 September 1965 S/RES/209 This resolution concerned the deteriorating situation along the cease-fire line in Kashmir. The Council called on both India and Pakistan to take all steps necessary to immediately cease fighting and return to their respective sides of the line.
15 March 1965 S/RES/200 This resolution recommended Gambia for UN membership.
30 October 1964 S/RES/196 This resolution recommended Malta for UN membership.
30 October 1964 S/RES/197 This resolution recommended Zambia for UN membership.
9 October 1964 S/RES/195 This resolution recommended Malawi for UN membership.
9 August 1964 S/RES/193 This resolution called upon all parties to cease firing and called on Turkey to stop the bombardments and on the Cypriot government to order its armed forces to cease firing.
4 March 1964 S/RES/186 This resolution established UNFICYP.