UN Documents for Democratic Republic of the Congo: Security Council Resolutions

Security Council Resolutions Return to full list
16 November 1948 S/RES/62 This resolution called for an armistice between Israel, Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon and Syria.
4 November 1948 S/RES/61 This resolution established a committee to advise on taking Chapter VII action if the parties failed to comply with troop withdrawals and truce lines.
18 September 1948 S/RES/57 This resolution condemned the murder of the UN Mediator in Palestine, Count Folke Bernadotte.
15 July 1948 S/RES/54 This resolution determined that the situation in Palestine was a threat to international peace and security and ordered a cessation of hostilities.
22 June 1948 S/RES/52 This resolution requested further discussions within the Atomic Energy Commission.
3 June 1948 S/RES/51 This resolution directed the Commission to proceed to the areas of dispute without delay “with a view to accomplishing in priority the duties assigned to it by resolution 47”.
29 May 1948 S/RES/50 This resolution threatened further actions against the parties and established UNTSO.
22 May 1948 S/773 This was a US draft resolution demanding an immediate ceasefire.
23 April 1948 S/RES/48 This resolution established a truce commission for Palestine.
21 April 1948 S/RES/47 This resolution enlarged the membership of UNCIP and recommended measures that would bring about a cessation of the fighting and create the proper conditions for a free and impartial plebiscite to decide whether the State of Jammu and Kashmir would accede to India or Pakistan.
10 April 1948 S/RES/45 This resolution recommended Myanmar (Burma) for UN membership.
1 April 1948 S/RES/44 This resolution requested the Secretary-General to convoke a special session of the Assembly to consider the question of the future government of Palestine.
5 March 1948 S/RES/43 This was a call for a truce between Palestinian and Jewish combatant groups.
20 January 1948 S/RES/39 This resolution set up the UN Commission for India and Pakistan (UNCIP) to investigate the dispute between the two countries over Kashmir and exercise “mediatory influence”.
20 January 1948 S/RES/39 This resolution established UNMOGIP.