UN Documents for Democratic Republic of the Congo: Security Council Resolutions

Security Council Resolutions Return to full list
5 November 2020 S/RES/2549 This resolution renewed the authorisation of the EU-led multinational stabilisation force (EUFOR ALTHEA).
30 October 2020 S/RES/2548 This resolution renewed MINURSO until 31 October 2021.
15 October 2020 S/RES/2547 This resolution renewed BINUH for one year.
2 October 2020 S/RES/2546 This resolution renewed for 12 months the authorisation for member states, acting nationally or through regional organisations, to inspect vessels on the high seas off the coast of Libya that they have reasonable grounds to suspect are being used for migrant smuggling or human trafficking.
25 September 2020 S/RES/2545 This resolution renewed the mandate of the UN Verification Mission in Colombia until 25 September 2021.
18 September 2020 S/RES/2544 This resolution renewed the mandate of UNITAD until 18 September 2021.
15 September 2020 S/RES/2543 This was a resolution renewing the mandate of UNAMA until 17 September 2021.
15 September 2020 S/RES/2542 This resolution renewed UNSMIL’s mandate until 15 September 2021; it was adopted with 13 votes in favour and two abstentions (China and Russia).
31 August 2020 S/RES/2541 This renewed the Mali sanctions regime for one year.
28 August 2020 S/RES/2540 This resolution extended UNSOM’s mandate for 12 months until 31 August 2021.
28 August 2020 S/RES/2539 This resolution renewed the mandate of UNIFIL until 31 August 2021.
28 August 2020 S/RES/2538 This was on the role of women in peacekeeping operations.
17 August 2020 S/2020/797 This was a US draft resolution that would extend the existing arms-related restrictions set to expire in October under resolution 2231 “until the Security Council decides otherwise”. The draft failed to obtain the required number of votes to be adopted.
28 July 2020 S/RES/2537 This resolution extended the mandate of UNFICYP for another six months.
28 July 2020 S/RES/2536 This resolution extended the CAR sanctions regime until 31 July 2021, including an arms embargo with some exemptions, and renewed the mandate of the CAR Panel of Experts, who assist the Sanctions Committee to oversee the sanction measures, until 31 August 2021.