UN Documents for Iraq: Security Council Resolutions

Security Council Resolutions Return to full list
14 July 2017 S/RES/2367 This was a resolution extending the mandate of UNAMI for another year.
30 December 2016 S/RES/2335 The Council authorised the Secretary-General to continue to maintain the escrow account authorised by resolution 1958 (2010), and to retain the funds contained in there until 30 June 2017.
25 July 2016 S/RES/2299 This was a resolution renewing UNAMI for a year.
20 November 2015 S/RES/2249 Called for member states to take all necessary measures on the territory under the control of ISIS to prevent terrorist acts committed by ISIS and other Al-Qaida affiliates.
29 July 2015 S/RES/2233 This resolution renewed UNAMI for a year.
12 February 2015 S/RES/2199 Was on ISIS and Al-Nusra’s illicit funding via oil exports, traffic of cultural heritage, ransom payments and external donations.
24 September 2014 S/RES/2178 This resolution expanded the counter-terrorism framework by imposing obligations on member states to respond to the threat of foreign terrorist fighters.
15 August 2014 S/RES/2170 Condemned the recruitment by ISIS and al-Nusra of foreign fighters and listed six individuals affiliated with those groups under the 1267/1989 Al-Qaida sanctions regime.
30 July 2014 S/RES/2169 This resolution renewed UNAMI for a year and increased the reporting period to every three months versus every four months.
24 July 2013 S/RES/2110 This resolution extended the mandate of UNAMI until 31 July 2014.
27 June 2013 S/RES/2107 This resolution transferred Iraq/Kuwait issues to the UNAMI mandate.
25 July 2012 S/RES/2061 The Council unanimously adopted this resolution renewing UNAMI for a further year.
28 July 2011 S/RES/2001 This resolution extended UNAMI's mandate until 28 July 2012.
15 December 2010 S/RES/1958 This resolution terminated the Oil-for-Food programme and established an escrow account to provide indemnification to the UN with regard to the programme for a period of six years.
15 December 2010 S/RES/1957 The Council terminated the WMD-related Chapter VII measures Iraq was subject to and urged Iraq to ratify the Additional Protocol as soon as possible.