UN Documents for Democratic Republic of the Congo: Security Council Resolutions

Security Council Resolutions Return to full list
19 October 2023 S/RES/2701 This resolution renewed the mandate of the Panel of Experts of the 1970 Libya Sanctions Committee and the authorisation of measures contained in resolution 2146 of 19 March 2014 related to the illicit export of petroleum from Libya.
19 October 2023 S/RES/2700 This resolution renewed the sanctions regime on Haiti imposed by resolution 2653 of 21 October 2022.
19 October 2023 S/RES/2700 This resolution renewed the Haiti sanctions regime for one year.
2 October 2023 S/RES/2699 This resolution authorised member states to form and deploy a Multinational Security Support (MSS) mission to Haiti to help re-establish security in the country and build conditions conducive to holding free and fair elections.
15 September 2023 S/RES/2697 This resolution extended the mandate of the UN Investigative Team to Promote Accountability for Crimes Committed by Da’esh/ISIL (UNITAD) for a final one-year non-extendable term, until 17 September 2024.
31 August 2023 S/RES/2695 This resolution extended the mandate of UNIFIL for another year until 31 August 2024. Thirteen members voted in favour of the resolution, Russia and China abstained.
30 August 2023 S/2023/639 This was the Russian draft resolution to dissolve the Mali Panel of Experts that received one affirmative vote (Russia) and failed to be adopted.
30 August 2023 S/2023/638 This was a draft resolution to renew the Mali sanctions regime, proposed by France and the United Arab Emirates, that Russia vetoed.
2 August 2023 S/RES/2694 This resolution expanded the mandate of the UN Verification Mission in Colombia to monitor and verify the implementation of a bilateral ceasefire between the Colombian government and the guerrilla group Ejército de Liberación Nacional (ELN) that began on 3 August 2023.
27 July 2023 S/RES/2693 This resolution extended the 2127 CAR sanctions regime until 31 July 2024 and the mandate of the Panel of Experts assisting the 2127 CAR Sanctions Committee until 31 August 2024.
14 July 2023 S/RES/2692 This resolution renewed the mandate of the UN Integrated Office in Haiti (BINUH) for one year, until 15 July 2024.
10 July 2023 S/RES/2691 This resolution extended the mandate of UNMHA until 14 July 2024.
30 June 2023 S/RES/2690 This resolution terminated the mandate of MINUSMA and decided to start the drawdown and withdrawal of its personnel, with the objective of completing the process by 31 December.
29 June 2023 S/RES/2689 This was the resolution that renewed the mandate of UNDOF until 31 December 2023.
27 June 2023 S/RES/2688 The resolution extends the 1533 DRC sanctions regime until 1 July 2024 and the mandate of the Group of Experts assisting the 1533 DRC Sanctions Committee until 1 August 2024.