UN Documents for Democratic Republic of the Congo: Security Council Resolutions

Security Council Resolutions Return to full list
29 February 2012 S/RES/2038 The Council appointed Jallow as the prosecutor of the residual mechanism.
29 February 2012 S/RES/2039 Welcomed the Secretary-General's assessment mission on piracy in the Gulf of Guinea and called on states to implement its recommendations.
23 February 2012 S/RES/2037 This resolution extended the mandate of UNMIT until 31 December 2012.
22 February 2012 S/RES/2036 This resolution authorised an increase in AMISOM's troop ceiling as well as an expansion of its UN support package and imposed a ban on importing charcoal from Somalia.
17 February 2012 S/RES/2035 This resolution extended the mandate of the Sudan sanctions panel of experts until 17 February 2013.
19 January 2012 S/RES/2034 This was the resolution setting the date for the election.
12 January 2012 S/RES/2033 This resolution called for elaboration of “further ways of strengthening relations between the two Councils” and asked the Secretary-General in consultation with the AU to conduct a comprehensive analysis of lessons learned from practical cooperation between the UN and the AU.
22 December 2011 S/RES/2032 This resolution renewed UNISFA’s mandate.
21 December 2011 S/RES/2030 This resolution renewed the mandate of UNIOGBIS until 28 February 2013.
21 December 2011 S/RES/2028 This resolution renewed UNDOF until 30 June 2012.
21 December 2011 S/RES/2029 This resolution extended the terms of four trial judges and eight ad litem judges at the ICTR until 30 June 2012 or sooner if their trials were completed.
21 December 2011 S/RES/2031 This resolution extended the mandate of BINUCA for another 13 months.
20 December 2011 S/RES/2027 This resolution extended BNUB mandate until 15 February 2013.
14 December 2011 S/RES/2025 This resolution extended the sanctions regime on Liberia and the mandate of its Panel of Experts.
14 December 2011 S/RES/2026 This resolution extended the mandate of the peacekeeping force in Cyprus until 19 July 2012.