UN Documents for Democratic Republic of the Congo: Security Council Resolutions

Security Council Resolutions Return to full list
16 September 2011 S/RES/2009 This resolution authorised the deployment of UNSMIL and partially lifted sanctions.
14 September 2011 S/RES/2007 The Council reappointed Serge Brammertz as prosecutor of the ICTY for a new term with effect from 1 January 2012 until 31 December 2014.
14 September 2011 S/RES/2005 This resolution renewed the mandate of the UNIPSIL for a period of 12 months.
14 September 2011 S/RES/2006 This resolution reappointed Hassan Bubacar Jallow as prosecutor of the ICTR for a new term with effect from 15 September 2011 until 31 December 2014.
30 August 2011 S/RES/2004 This resolution renewed UNIFIL until 31 August 2012.
29 July 2011 S/RES/2002 This resolution extended the mandate of the Monitoring Group on Somalia and Eritrea for 12 months and expanded the criteria for targeted sanctions to include recruitment and use of children in armed conflict and targeting of civilians.
29 July 2011 S/RES/2003 This resolution renewed UNAMID’s mandate until 31 July 2012.
28 July 2011 S/RES/2001 This resolution extended UNAMI's mandate until 28 July 2012.
27 July 2011 S/RES/2000 This resolution renewed the mandate of UNOCI at its current force levels (including the earlier ad hoc increases) until 31 July 2012.
13 July 2011 S/RES/1999 This resolution recommended that South Sudan be admitted as a member of the UN.
12 July 2011 S/RES/1998 This resolution expanded the criteria for listing parties to conflict in the Secretary-General's report on children and armed conflict to include parties that attack or threaten schools and hospitals.
11 July 2011 S/RES/1997 This resolution authorised the withdrawal of UNMIS.
8 July 2011 S/RES/1996 This resolution established the UN Mission in South Sudan (UNMISS).
6 July 2011 S/RES/1995 This resolution said that an ad-litem judge may be elected president of the ICTR and authorised Judge Byron to serve as part-time judge from 1 September.
30 June 2011 S/RES/1994 This resolution renewed UNDOF until 31 December 2011.