UN Documents for Democratic Republic of the Congo: Security Council Resolutions

Security Council Resolutions Return to full list
18 November 2010 S/RES/1948 This resolution reauthorised the presence in Bosnia and Herzegovina of EUFOR for another 12 months.
29 October 2010 S/RES/1947 This resolution requested all relevant UN actors to take forward the recommendations of the PBC five-year review within their relevant mandates with the aim of further improving the effectiveness of the PBC.
15 October 2010 S/RES/1946 This resolution extended both the Côte d’Ivoire sanctions regime and the mandate of the Group of Experts until 30 April 2011.
14 October 2010 S/RES/1945 This resolution renewed the mandate of the panel of experts for 12 months.
14 October 2010 S/RES/1944 This resolution renewed the mandate of MINUSTAH for 12 months, maintained the current force level and called on the Secretary-General to conduct a comprehensive assessment of the security environment following the 28 November elections and transfer of power to a new government in 2011.
13 October 2010 S/RES/1943 This resolution extended ISAF's mandate until 13 October 2011.
29 September 2010 S/RES/1941 This resolution extended the mandate of UNIPSIL for until 15 September 2011.
29 September 2010 S/RES/1940 With this resolution the Council lifted the sanctions that it had imposed on Sierra Leone.
29 September 2010 S/RES/1942 This resolution authorised the deployment of 500 additional troops to UNOCI to help with security during the election period.
15 September 2010 S/RES/1938 With this resolution the Council extended the mandate of UNMIL for another year.
15 September 2010 S/RES/1939 This resolution extended UNMIN until 15 January 2011.
30 August 2010 S/RES/1937 This resolution extended the mandate of UNIFIL for another year.
5 August 2010 S/RES/1936 This resolution extended UNAMI's mandate through 31 July 2011. The resolution reaffirmed the importance of Iraq's ratification of the Additional Protocol to the Comprehensive Safeguards Agreement with the IAEA and called on Iraqi leaders to form a government as quickly as possible.
30 July 2010 S/RES/1935 This resolution extended the mandate of UNAMID until 31 July 2011.
30 June 2010 S/RES/1934 This resolution renewed the UNDOF mandate until 31 December 2010