UN Documents for Democratic Republic of the Congo: Security Council Resolutions

Security Council Resolutions Return to full list
17 December 2009 S/RES/1904 This resolution renewed the mandate of the 1267 Committee Monitoring Team for 18 months. The resolution also included significant changes to the administration of the 1267 regime, including the creation for an initial period of 18 months of an Office of the Ombudsperson, which is intended to serve as a point of contact for individuals and entities requesting that they be delisted.
17 December 2009 S/RES/1902 This resolution extended the mandate of BINUB until 31 December 2010.
16 December 2009 S/RES/1900 This resolution authorised ICTY respectively to temporarily exceed the maximum number of ad litem judges allowed by their statutes and expressed the Council’s intention to extend by 30 June 2010 the terms of office of all judges until 31 December 2010 or until they have completed assigned cases, if sooner.
16 December 2009 S/RES/1901 This resolution authorised ICTR to temporarily exceed the maximum number of ad litem judges allowed by their statutes and expressed the Council’s intention to extend by 30 June 2010 the terms of office of all judges until 31 December 2010 or until they have completed assigned cases, if sooner.
16 December 2009 S/RES/1899 This resolution renewed the UNDOF mandate until 30 June 2010.
14 December 2009 S/RES/1898 This resolution renewed UNFICYP's mandate until 15 June 2010.
30 November 2009 S/RES/1896 This resolution extended the DRC sanctions and the mandate of the Group of Experts for another year.
30 November 2009 S/RES/1897 This resolution renewed for 12 months the anti-piracy measures of resolutions 1846 and 1851, which would have expired on 2 December.
18 November 2009 S/RES/1895 This resolution reauthorised the presence in Bosnia and Herzegovina of EUFOR for another 12 months.
11 November 2009 S/RES/1894 This resolution focused on compliance with international humanitarian, human rights and refugee law as well as relevant Council decisions, humanitarian access and UN peacekeeping.
29 October 2009 S/RES/1893 This resolution extended both the Côte d’Ivoire sanctions regime and the mandate of the Group of Experts until 31 October 2010.
13 October 2009 S/RES/1891 This resolution renewed the mandate of the Darfur Sanctions Panel of Experts for another year.
13 October 2009 S/RES/1892 This resolution extended the mandate of MINUSTAH through 15 October 2010.
8 October 2009 S/RES/1890 This resolution extended the mandate for ISAF to 13 October 2010.
5 October 2009 S/RES/1889 This resolution urged UN member states, international and regional organisations to take measures to improve women’s participation during all stages of peace processes, including by enhancing their engagement in political and economic decision-making in the early stages of recovery processes.