UN Documents for Democratic Republic of the Congo: Security Council Resolutions

Security Council Resolutions Return to full list
30 September 2009 S/RES/1888 This resolution focused on sexual violence in conflict situations and established the position of the Special Representative on Sexual Violence in Conflict.
24 September 2009 S/RES/1887 This resolution was on nuclear non-proliferation and disarmament and stressed the value and necessity of fully implementing resolution 1540.
15 September 2009 S/RES/1886 This resolution extended the mandate of UNIPSIL until 30 September 2010.
15 September 2009 S/RES/1885 This resolution extended UNMIL's mandate until 30 September 2010.
27 August 2009 S/RES/1884 This resolution extended the mandate of UNIFIL for another year.
7 August 2009 S/RES/1883 This resolution extended the mandate of UNAMI for another year.
4 August 2009 S/RES/1882 This resolution expanded the criteria for the Secretary-General’s “list of shame” in his reports on children and armed conflict beyond the recruitment of children to include the killing and maiming of children and/or rape and other sexual violence against children.
30 July 2009 S/RES/1880 This resolution extended the mandate of UNOCI until 31 January 2010.
30 July 2009 S/RES/1881 This resolution renewed UNAMID for one year.
23 July 2009 S/RES/1879 This resolution extended the mandate for UNMIN till 23 January 2010.
7 July 2009 S/RES/1877 This was the resolution extending the terms of ICTY permanent and ad litem judges till 31 December 2010, or until they have completed assigned cases if sooner, and deciding to review by 31 December 2009 the terms of office of permanent judges who are members of the appeals chamber.
7 July 2009 S/RES/1878 This was the resolution extending the terms of ICTR permanent and ad litem judges till 31 December 2010, or until they have completed assigned cases if sooner, and deciding to review by 31 December 2009 the terms of office of permanent judges who are members of the appeals chamber.
26 June 2009 S/RES/1876 In this resolution the Council extended the mandate of UNOGBIS until 31 December and requested the Secretary-General to establish a UN Integrated Peacebuilding Office in Guinea-Bissau (UNIOGBIS) to succeed UNOGBIS for an initial period of 12 months after that.
23 June 2009 S/RES/1875 This resolution renewed the UNDOF mandate until 31 December 2009.
12 June 2009 S/RES/1874 This resolution expressed grave concern over North Korea's 25 May nuclear test and expanded the sanctions imposed on North Korea to include all arms and related material, as well as financial transactions, technical training, advice, services or assistance related to the provision, manufacture, maintenance or use of such arms or material. It also established for the first time a Panel of Experts assisting the Sanctions Committee.