UN Documents for Iraq: Security Council Resolutions

Security Council Resolutions Return to full list
15 August 1991 S/RES/706 The Council requested the Secretary-General to submit a report on the repatriation or return of all Kuwaiti and third-country nationals.
20 May 1991 S/RES/692 This resolution established the UNCC and the UN Compensation Fund.
5 April 1991 S/RES/688 In response to the situation in Iraq following the Gulf War this resolution stated that repression against civilian population within a state had consequences that could "threaten international peace and security in the region."
3 April 1991 S/RES/687 This resolution contained the terms for Iraq of a ceasefire in the context of its invasion of Kuwait, foresaw the establishment of UNIKOM and imposed sanctions. It called for the elimination, under international supervision, of Iraq's WMD and ballistic missiles with a range greater than 150 kilometres, together with related items and production facilities, and called for measures to ensure that the acquisition and production of prohibited items were not resumed.
2 March 1991 S/RES/686 The Council demanded that Iraq release all Kuwaiti or third country nationals and return the remains of any deceased Kuwaiti and third country nationals so detained.
29 November 1990 S/RES/678 This resolution authorised the use of force in the context of the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait and demanded that Iraq comply fully with resolution 660.
6 August 1990 S/RES/661 This resolution imposed economic sanctions on Iraq after it invaded Kuwait, providing for a full trade embargo, excluding medical supplies, food and other items of humanitarian necessity, to be determined by a sanctions committee.