UN Documents for Somalia: Security Council Resolutions

Security Council Resolutions Return to full list
25 July 2012 S/RES/2060 This resolution extended the mandate of the Monitoring Group on Somalia and Eritrea for 13 months, as well as the humanitarian exemption to the Somalia sanctions regime for 12 months.
22 February 2012 S/RES/2036 This resolution authorised an increase in AMISOM's troop ceiling as well as an expansion of its UN support package and imposed a ban on importing charcoal from Somalia.
5 December 2011 S/RES/2023 This resolution condemned Eritrea's violations of resolution 1907, 1862 and 1844, called on it to cease all efforts to destabilise other states, including through support for the Islamist rebel group Al Shabaab, and imposed new measures to prevent Eritrea from using the diaspora tax or revenues from its mining sector to commit further violations.
22 November 2011 S/RES/2020 Renewed for 12 months the anti-piracy measures related to Somalia first established by the Council in 2008 in resolution 1950.
24 October 2011 S/RES/2015 Called for additional measures to strengthen prosecution of Somali pirates.
30 September 2011 S/RES/2010 This resolution extended the authorisation of AMISOM until 31 October 2012 and expanded the logistical support package for the mission from assessed contributions as recommended by the Secretary-General in a 21 September letter to the Council (S/2011/591).
29 July 2011 S/RES/2002 This resolution extended the mandate of the Monitoring Group on Somalia and Eritrea for 12 months and expanded the criteria for targeted sanctions to include recruitment and use of children in armed conflict and targeting of civilians.
11 April 2011 S/RES/1976 This resolution welcomed the report of the Special Adviser to the Secretary-General on Legal Issues Related to Piracy off the coast of Somalia and requested a report from the Secretary-General within two months on the modalities of establishing specialised courts to try suspected pirates as recommended by the Special Adviser.
17 March 2011 S/RES/1972 This resolution extended for 16 months the exemption to the assets-freeze provision of the Somalia sanctions regime.
22 December 2010 S/RES/1964 This resolution renewed the authorisation of AMISOM until 30 September 2011 and raised its troop level to 12,000. It also welcomed the intent of the Secretary-General to establish security and other institutional reform capacities within the UN Political Office in Somalia.
23 November 2010 S/RES/1950 This resolution renewed for a period of 12 months the antipiracy measures of resolution 1897.
27 April 2010 S/RES/1918 This resolution requested a report from the Secretary-General within three months on options to ensure prosecution and imprisonment of persons responsible for piracy off the coast of Somalia.
19 March 2010 S/RES/1916 This resolution extended the mandate of the Monitoring Group for another 12 months with the addition of three new members. It also decided that the assets freeze provisions of resolution 1844 would not apply to funds "necessary to ensure the timely delivery of urgently needed humanitarian assistance in Somalia" and requested the UN humanitarian aid coordinator for Somalia to report to the Council every 120 days.
28 January 2010 S/RES/1910 This resolution renewed the authorisation of AMISOM for another 12 months until 31 January 2011and requested the Secretary-General to report on all aspects of the resolution every four months starting from 1 January.
30 November 2009 S/RES/1897 This resolution renewed for 12 months the anti-piracy measures of resolutions 1846 and 1851, which would have expired on 2 December.