UN Documents for Democratic Republic of the Congo: Security Council Resolutions

Security Council Resolutions Return to full list
31 October 2007 S/RES/1783 This resolution renewed MINURSO's mandate until 30 April 2008 and called on the parties to continue to show political will and engage in substantive negotiations without preconditions and in good faith.
29 October 2007 S/RES/1782 This resolution renewed the the mandate of the Group of Experts and the sanctions regime until 31 October 2008, and urged Ivorian parties to collaborate with the sanctions Group of Experts.
15 October 2007 S/RES/1780 This resolution extended the mandate of MINUSTAH and condemned grave violations against children affected by armed violence.
15 October 2007 S/RES/1781 This resolution extended the mandate of UNOMIG until 15 April 2008.
28 September 2007 S/RES/1779 This resolution renewed the mandate of the sanctions Panel of Experts.
25 September 2007 S/RES/1778 This resolution established UN Mission in the Central African Republic and Chad (MINURCAT).
20 September 2007 S/RES/1777 This resolution extended the mandate of UN Mission in Liberia (UNMIL) until 30 September 2008 and endorsed the recommendation of the Secretary-General to decrease the size of the military and police components.
19 September 2007 S/RES/1776 This resolution extended ISAF's mandate until 13 October 2008 and encouraged ISAF and other partners to sustain their efforts, as resources permit, to train, mentor and empower the Afghan national security forces, in particular the Afghan National Police.
14 September 2007 S/RES/1774 This resolution reappointed Hassan Jallow as Prosecutor of the ICTR.
14 September 2007 S/RES/1775 This resolution extended Carla Del Ponte as prosecutor of the ICTY till 31 December 2007.
24 August 2007 S/RES/1773 This resolution renewed UNIFIL until 31 August 2008.
20 August 2007 S/RES/1772 This resolution renewed the authorisation of AMISOM for another six months and expressed the need for withdrawal of foreign troops from Somalia, inter alia.
10 August 2007 S/RES/1771 This resolution renewed the sanctions regime, with some modifications to the arms embargo, and the mandate of the Group of Experts until 15 February 2008.
10 August 2007 S/RES/1770 This resolution extended UNAMI's mandate for twelve months and authorised an expanded role for the mission.
31 July 2007 S/RES/1769 This resolution created an African Union/UN hybrid peacekeeping mission in Darfur (UNAMID).