UN Documents for Democratic Republic of the Congo: Security Council Resolutions

Security Council Resolutions Return to full list
23 December 2006 S/RES/1738 This resolution condemned intentional attacks against journalists, media professionals and associated personnel, and requested that the Secretary-General include as a sub-item in his next reports on the protection of civilians in armed conflict the issue of the safety and security of journalists, media professionals and associated personnel.
23 December 2006 S/RES/1737 This resolution banned trade with Iran of certain nuclear proliferation-sensitive items, imposed an asset freeze on a list of persons and entities involved in proliferation-sensitive activities and established a Sanctions Committee.
22 December 2006 S/RES/1736 This resolution re-hatted UN Operation in Burundi troops as UN Mission in the Democratic Republic of the Congo.
22 December 2006 S/RES/1735 This resolution further expanded the scope of the sanctions regime and the Committee's mandate, adopted new listing requirements, and extended and elaborated the mandate of the Monitoring Team.
22 December 2006 S/RES/1734 This resolution extended the mandate of the United Nations Integrated Office in Sierra Leone and encouraged the government of Sierra Leone to continue its close engagement with the PBC.
21 December 2006 S/RES/1732 This resolution welcomed the report of the Working Group on General Issues of Sanctions and requested its subsidiary bodies to take note of methodological standards and best practices proposed in the report.
20 December 2006 S/RES/1731 This was on sanctions in Liberia.
19 December 2006 S/RES/1730 This resolution established "a focal point" within the UN Secretariat to process submissions for de-listing under Council resolutions involving targeted sanctions.
15 December 2006 S/RES/1728 This resolution extended the mandate of UNFICYP until 15 June 2007 and called for the completion of a preparatory phase for a good offices process.
15 December 2006 S/RES/1727 This resolution renewed the sanctions regime in Côte d'Ivoire until 31 October 2007.
15 December 2006 S/RES/1726 This resolution renewed the mandate of the UN Operation in Côte d'Ivoire until 10 January 2007.
15 December 2006 S/RES/1729 This resolution renewed UNDOF for six months.
6 December 2006 S/RES/1725 This resolution authorised Intergovernmental Authority on Development Peace Support Mission to Somalia (IGASOM).
29 November 2006 S/RES/1724 This resolution renewed the Monitoring Group's mandate.
28 November 2006 S/RES/1723 This resolution extended the MNF mandate until 31 December 2007.