UN Documents for Somalia: Security Council Resolutions

Security Council Resolutions Return to full list
26 May 2009 S/RES/1872 This resolution renewed authorisation of AMISOM until 31 January 2010, approved its funding from assessed UN contributions and requested the Secretary-General to implement the phased approach recommended in his 16 April report.
16 January 2009 S/RES/1863 This resolution renewed authorisation of AMISOM for up to six months, endorsed the Secretary-General's proposals to strengthen AMISOM and expressed the Council's intention to establish a UN peacekeeping operation by 1 June.
14 January 2009 S/RES/1862 This resolution demanded that Eritrea withdraw its forces to the positions of the status quo ante.
19 December 2008 S/RES/1853 This resolution renewed the mandate of the Monitoring Group tasked with monitoring the sanctions regime for Somalia for 12 months.
16 December 2008 S/RES/1851 This resolution expanded the anti-piracy authorisation to include operations on land.
2 December 2008 S/RES/1846 This resolution authorized states and regional organisations to enter Somalia’s territorial waters to combat piracy for a further period of 12 months.
20 November 2008 S/RES/1844 This resolution imposed targeted sanctions.
7 October 2008 S/RES/1838 This resolution called for intensified action against piracy in Somalia.
19 August 2008 S/RES/1831 This resolution renewed authorisation of AMISOM for six months.
2 June 2008 S/RES/1816 This resolution authorised action against piracy in Somalia.
15 May 2008 S/RES/1814 This resolution, inter alia, supported the Secretary-General’s phased approach to Somali issues; requested him to establish security arrangements for the relocation of the UN Political Office for Somalia (UNPOS) from Nairobi to a location in Somalia; and requested him to continue contingency planning for the deployment of a UN operation to succeed AMISOM.
29 April 2008 S/RES/1811 This resolution renewed the mandate of the sanctions Monitoring Group.
20 February 2008 S/RES/1801 This resolution renewed the authorisation of AMISOM for six months.
20 August 2007 S/RES/1772 This resolution renewed the authorisation of AMISOM for another six months and expressed the need for withdrawal of foreign troops from Somalia, inter alia.
23 July 2007 S/RES/1766 This resolution renewed and expanded the Monitoring Group's mandate, threatened action against violators of the arms embargo and reinforced the political dialogue process.