UN Documents for Democratic Republic of the Congo: Security Council Resolutions

Security Council Resolutions Return to full list
11 June 2004 S/RES/1548 This resolution welcomed the Secretary-General's intention to conduct a review of the UNFICYP mandate.
8 June 2004 S/RES/1546 This resolution endorsed the formation of the interim government and the holding of elections by January 2005, welcomed the end of occupation by 30 June 2004, endorsed the proposed timetable for the political transition, detailed the mandate of the SRSG, UNAMI and the MNF, and requested quarterly reports.
21 May 2004 S/RES/1545 This resolution established the UN Operation in Burundi (ONUB).
19 May 2004 S/RES/1544 This resolution called on Israel not to demolish homes in the Rafah refugee camp and expressed grave concern over the humanitarian situation in the Rafah area.
14 May 2004 S/RES/1543 This resolution determined that the serious crimes process be concluded by 20 May 2005.
30 April 2004 S/RES/1542 This resolution set up UN Mission in Haiti (MINUSTAH).
29 April 2004 S/RES/1541 This resolution extended the mandate of the United Nations Mission for the Referendum in Western Sahara (MINURSO) until 31 October 2004.
28 April 2004 S/RES/1540 This resolution established the 1540 Committee and its mandate, affirmed that proliferation of nuclear weapons as well as the means of delivery constitutes a threat to international peace and security.
22 April 2004 S/RES/1539 This resolution asked for an action plan for a systematic and comprehensive monitoring and reporting mechanism.
21 April 2004 S/RES/1538 This resolution welcomed the inquiry into the oil-for-food programme.
30 March 2004 S/RES/1537 This resolution authorised UN Mission in Sierra Leone (UNAMSIL)'s drawdown.
26 March 2004 S/RES/1536 This resolution extended UNAMA for an additional year until 26 March 2005.
26 March 2004 S/RES/1534 This resolution called on the ICTY and ICTR to review their respective case loads and requested both tribunals to provide the Council with a progress assessment of their completion strategies every six months.
26 March 2004 S/RES/1535 This resolution established the Counter-Terrorism Executive Directorate (CTED).
12 March 2004 S/RES/1533 This resolution established the sanctions committee and the Group of Experts.