UN Documents for Democratic Republic of the Congo: Security Council Resolutions

Security Council Resolutions Return to full list
12 March 2004 S/RES/1532 This resolution imposed an assets freeze against former President Charles Taylor and associates.
29 February 2004 S/RES/1529 This resolution authorised the deployment of a multinational force in Haiti.
27 February 2004 S/RES/1528 This resolution authorised ECOWAS and French deployments in Côte d'Ivoire, and established UNOCI.
30 January 2004 S/RES/1526 This resolution strengthened the mandate of the 1267 Committee, and made more specific the financial sanctions, travel ban and arms embargo imposed on the individuals associated with the Taliban and Al-Qaida.
30 January 2004 S/RES/1524 The Council reaffirmed the commitment of all Member States to the sovereignty, independence and territorial integrity of Georgia within its internationally recognized borders, and the necessity to define the status of Abkhazia within the State of Georgia in strict accordance with these principles.
22 December 2003 S/RES/1521 This resolution imposed sanctions.
16 December 2003 S/RES/1519 This resolution established the Monitoring Group to be based in Nairobi, Kenya to investigate violations of the arms embargo and make recommendations and prepare a draft list of violators subject to possible future measures by the Council.
24 November 2003 S/RES/1518 This resolution established a sanctions committee.
19 November 2003 S/RES/1515 This resolution stated the necessity for a two state solution and unanimously endorsed the Quartet’s Road Map.
16 October 2003 S/RES/1511 This resolution reaffirmed the temporary nature of the Coalition Provisional Authority, endorsed the interim administration, called for a political timetable, authorised the MNF to maintain security and stability during 12 months. It also determined the status of the MNF and its relation to the UN, and asked the US to report every six months.
13 October 2003 S/RES/1510 This resolution expanded ISAF's mandate beyond Kabul.
19 September 2003 S/RES/1508 This resolution extended the mandate of the United Nations Mission in Sierra Leone (UNAMSIL) for a period of six months from 30 September 2003.
19 September 2003 S/RES/1509 This resolution established UN Mission in Liberia (UNMIL).
4 September 2003 S/RES/1504 This resolution appointed Carla Del Ponte as Prosecutor of the ICTY for a four-year term from 15 September 2003.
4 September 2003 S/RES/1505 This resolution appointed Hassan Jallow as Prosecutor of the ICTR for a four-year term from 15 September 2003.