UN Documents for Democratic Republic of the Congo: Security Council Resolutions

Security Council Resolutions Return to full list
28 August 2003 S/RES/1503 This resolution called on the ICTY and ICTR to complete all trial activities in the first instance by the end of 2008 and to complete all work in 2010.
26 August 2003 S/RES/1502 This resolution condemned all violence against humanitarian and UN and associated personnel, recalled obligations to protect such personnel under international humanitarian, refugee and human rights law, and called for unimpeded humanitarian access.
14 August 2003 S/RES/1500 This resolution welcomed the establishment of the "broadly representative" Governing Council of Iraq and created UNAMI.
1 August 2003 S/RES/1497 This resolution authorised the deployment of a Multinational Force.
31 July 2003 S/RES/1495 This resolution supported the peace plan proposed by James Baker as an optimum solution on the basis of agreement between the parties.
31 July 2003 S/RES/1496 This resolution renewed UNIFIL’s mandate in Lebanon.
30 July 2003 S/RES/1494 This resolution stressed the urgent need for progress on the question of the refugees and internally displaced persons.
28 July 2003 S/RES/1493 This resolution imposed an arms embargo.
18 July 2003 S/RES/1492 This resolution authorised UN Mission in Sierra Leone (UNAMSIL)'s drawdown.
30 May 2003 S/RES/1484 This resolution authorised the Interim Emergency Multinational Force deployment (IEMF).
22 May 2003 S/RES/1483 The Council recognised the occupying powers, requested the Secretary-General to appoint a Special Representative for Iraq, established sanctions against the previous Iraqi government, created the DFI and envisaged the termination of the oil-for-food programme within six months.
13 May 2003 S/RES/1479 This resolution established, for an initial period of six months, a United Nations Mission in Côte d'Ivoire (MINUCI), with a mandate to facilitate the implementation by the Ivorian parties of the Linas-Marcoussis Agreement. The Council decided that special attention be given to the gender component within the staff of MINUCI and to the situation of women and girls, consistent with resolution 1325.
6 May 2003 S/RES/1478 This resolution further imposed an embargo on timber.
24 April 2003 S/RES/1476 This resolution extended the adjustments to the oil-for-food programme introduced by resolution 1472 until 3 June 2003.
14 April 2003 S/RES/1475 This resolution gave its full support to the Secretary-General’s second revision of his plan to reach a comprehensive settlement.