UN Documents for Democratic Republic of the Congo: Security Council Resolutions

Security Council Resolutions Return to full list
8 April 2003 S/RES/1474 This resolution re-established the Panel of Experts to investigate violations, make recommendations, prepare a draft list of violators and assess capacities of states in the region to implement the embargo.
28 March 2003 S/RES/1471 This resolution extended UNAMA for an additional year until 28 March 2004, and endorsed the Secretary-General's proposal to include an electoral unit within UNAMA.
28 March 2003 S/RES/1472 This resolution called on all parties to abide by humanitarian law and made adjustments to the oil-for-food programme to deal with changes in the humanitarian situation following the US-led invasion.
20 March 2003 S/RES/1468 This resolution condemned the massacres and other systematic violations of International Humanitarian Law and human rights perpetrated in the DRC, in particular sexual violence against women and girls as a tool of warfare.
18 March 2003 S/RES/1467 This resolution was on the proliferation of small arms as a threat to peace and security in West Africa.
4 February 2003 S/RES/1464 This resolution authorized Member States participating in the ECOWAS forces together with the French forces supporting them to take the necessary steps to guarantee the security and freedom of movement of their personnel and to ensure the protection of civilians within their zones of operation.
30 January 2003 S/RES/1460 This was a resolution on children in armed conflict noted with concern the exploitation of children by peacekeepers. This resolution requested specific proposals to ensure more efficient and effective monitoring and reporting. It also requested the Secretary-General to include the issue in country-specific reports.
30 January 2003 S/RES/1461 This resolution extended the mandate of UNIFIL and took note of the completion of the reconfiguration of UNIFIL.
28 January 2003 S/RES/1459 This resolution supported the Kimberley Process Certification Scheme adopted at the Interlaken Conference as a valuable contribution against trafficking in conflict diamonds.
24 January 2003 S/RES/1457 This resolution noted with concern the links between conflict and natural resources in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, and renewed the mandate of the Panel of Experts on the illegal exploitation of natural resources.
20 January 2003 S/RES/1456 This resolution called on states to implement sanctions against terrorists, and mentioned in particular the Taliban and Al-Qaida.
17 January 2003 S/RES/1455 This resolution enhanced the monitoring role of the 1267 Committee; urged states to report progress on implementation of the sanctions; stressed the "need for improved coordination and increased exchange of information" between the 1267 Committee and the CTC; and established further reporting requirements by states.
24 December 2002 S/RES/1453 This resolution welcomed and endorsed the Kabul Declaration on Good-Neighbourly Relations.
20 December 2002 S/RES/1452 This resolution provided humanitarian exemptions to the assets freeze.
13 December 2002 S/RES/1450 This resolution condemned the 28 November terrorist attacks in Kenya.