UN Documents for Democratic Republic of the Congo: Security Council Resolutions

Security Council Resolutions Return to full list
19 October 2001 S/RES/1374 This resolution requested the monitoring mechanism to provide the Committee within 60 days of the adoption of this resolution with a detailed action plan for its future work.
28 September 2001 S/RES/1373 This resolution placed barriers on the movement, organisation and fund-raising activities of terrorist groups and imposed legislative, policy and reporting requirements on member states to assist the global struggle against terrorism. It also established a Counter-Terrorism Committee to monitor state compliance with these provisions.
18 September 2001 S/RES/1370 The Council expressed its continued deep concern at the reports of human rights abuses and attacks committed by the RUF, the Civil Defence Forces (CDF) and other armed groups and individuals, against the civilian population, in particular the widespread violation of the human rights of women and children, including sexual violence.
12 September 2001 S/RES/1368 This resolution condemned the attacks of 11 September 2001 on the United States, and called on states to bring justice to the perpetrators, organisers and sponsors of those terrorist acts.
30 August 2001 S/RES/1366 This resolution addressed the issue of DDR in UN peacekeeping and peacebuilding mandates and stated that preventing armed conflict was a major part of the Council's work.
31 July 2001 S/RES/1365 This resolution welcomed the continued contribution of UNIFIL to operational demining and stressed the necessity to provide the Government of Lebanon and UNIFIL with any additional maps and records on the location of mines.
30 July 2001 S/RES/1363 This resolution established the monitoring mechanism (the Monitoring Group (MG)) and the Sanctions Enforcement Support Team (up to 15 members with expertise in customs, border security and counter-terrorism). The MG was also tasked with offering assistance to states neighbouring Afghanistan to increase their capacity to implement the sanctions.
27 June 2001 S/RES/1358 This resolution recommended the reappointment of Kofi Annan.
19 June 2001 S/RES/1356 This resolution provided humanitarian and other exemptions to the arms embargo.
13 June 2001 S/RES/1353 This resolution adopted a statement of principles on cooperation with TCCs.
15 March 2001 S/RES/1344 This resolution stressed the fact that the peace agreements link the UN Mission in Ethiopia and Eritrea's termination to the demarcation.
7 March 2001 S/RES/1343 This resolution re-established the arms embargo and imposed an embargo on diamonds and a travel ban.
30 January 2001 S/RES/1337 This resolution extended the mandate of UNIFIL by six months, reduced the level of its military personnel and endorsed the reconfiguration of UNIFIL.
19 December 2000 S/RES/1333 This resolution strengthened the sanctions against the Taliban and imposed sanctions against Al-Qaida.
5 December 2000 S/RES/1330 This resolution reduced Iraq’s contribution to the UNCF was to 25 percent of the revenue generated by its exports of petroleum and petroleum products.