UN Documents for Democratic Republic of the Congo: Security Council Resolutions

Security Council Resolutions Return to full list
13 November 2000 S/RES/1327 This resolution emphasised the importance of the Secretary-General in conflict prevention and reaffirmed the role of women in conflict prevention and resolution and peacebuilding. The Council also agreed to strengthen the system of consultations with TCCs through the holding of private meetings with them and stated a possibility to consider using the Military Staff Committee as one of the means of enhancing UN peacekeeping capacity.
31 October 2000 S/RES/1325 This was the first Security Council resolution on women, peace and security. Reaffirming women’s key role in conflict resolution and peacebuilding, this text calls for the adoption of a gender perspective in peace agreements and for the protection of women and girls from gender-based violence.
31 October 2000 S/RES/1326 The Council recommended the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia for UN membership.
7 October 2000 S/RES/1322 This resolution condemned Israeli violence in Jerusalem.
15 September 2000 S/RES/1320 This resolution increased the UN Mission in Ethiopia and Eritrea and authorised it to monitor the Temporary Security Zone.
7 September 2000 S/RES/1318 This was the adoption of the Millennium Summit declaration on ensuring an effective role for the Council in maintaining peace and security, especially in Africa.
14 August 2000 S/RES/1315 This resolution requested the Secretary-General to negotiate an agreement to create the Special Court for Sierra Leone.
11 August 2000 S/RES/1314 This resolution urged member states to sign and ratify the Optional Protocol to the Convention on the Rights of the Child on the Involvement of Children in Armed Conflict.
31 July 2000 S/RES/1312 This resolution established the UN Mission in Ethiopia and Eritrea (UNMEE).
27 July 2000 S/RES/1310 This resolution extended the mandate of UNIFIL by six months and endorsed the understanding that the Force would redeploy in South Lebanon.
17 July 2000 S/RES/1308 This resolution encouraged voluntary HIV/AIDS testing and counselling for peacekeeping troops.
5 July 2000 S/RES/1306 This resolution decided that all States should take the necessary measures to prohibit the direct or indirect import of all rough diamonds from Sierra Leone to their territory. It also requested a panel of experts for an initial period of four months.
17 May 2000 S/RES/1298 This resolution established an arms embargo against both parties.
19 April 2000 S/RES/1296 This was on "Protection of Civilians in Armed Conflict and " the Council emphasised the importance of incorporating DDR in peace agreements.
18 April 2000 S/RES/1295 This resolution imposed further sanctions on UNITA and called for punishment of diamond sanctions violators.