UN Documents for Democratic Republic of the Congo: Security Council Resolutions

Security Council Resolutions Return to full list
19 November 1998 S/RES/1209 This recognised the threat of illicit flow of arms to and in Africa to international peace and security.
24 October 1998 S/RES/1203 This resolution demanded that Yugoslavia cooperate fully with the OSCE Verification Mission in Kosovo and the NATO Air Verification Mission over Kosovo.
15 October 1998 S/RES/1201 This resolution welcomed the announcement of elections and extended the United Nations Mission in the Central African Republic (MINURCA) mandate.
23 September 1998 S/RES/1199 This resolution expressed deep concern about the excessive use of force by Serbian security forces and the Yugoslav army, and called for a ceasefire by both parties to the conflict.
18 September 1998 S/RES/1197 This resolution concerned the strengthening of coordination between the UN and regional and subregional organisations in conflict prevention and the maintenance of peace.
16 September 1998 S/RES/1196 This resolution urged members, relevant UN bodies and agencies and other international agencies to facilitate implementation of arms embargoes.
28 August 1998 S/RES/1193 This resolution expressed grave concern at the conflict in Afghanistan, and called it a growing threat to regional and international peace and security, demanded that all factions stop fighting and seek a peaceful resolution.
27 August 1998 S/RES/1192 This resolution suspended sanctions on Libya pending a report from the Secretary-General on the appearance of the two suspects in the Lockerbie bombing to stand trial in The Hague.
13 August 1998 S/RES/1189 This resolution strongly condemned the terrorist bomb attacks of 7 August 1998 in eastern Africa.
14 July 1998 S/RES/1182 This resolution extended the mandate of the UN Mission in the Central African Republic until 25 October 1998 and requested that the Secretary-General report to the Council by 25 September on the progress of MINURCA and toward the implementation of commitments expressed in the letter of the President of CAR of 8 January 1998.
15 June 1998 S/RES/1174 This resolution renewed the authorisation for the NATO-led Stabilisation Force (SFOR) in Bosnia and Herzegovina and authorised member states to provide military assistance in support of SFOR.
12 June 1998 S/RES/1173 This resolution prohibited the direct or indirect import from Angola of all diamonds that were not controlled through the certificate of origin regime.
6 June 1998 S/RES/1172 This resolution called upon India and Pakistan to stop their nuclear weapons programmes and avoid the export of equipment and technology that could contribute to nuclear or missile programmes in other countries, encouraged all states to prevent the export of equipment or technology that could assist programmes in India or Pakistan, and urged all states that have not done so to become parties to the NPT and the CTBT.
5 June 1998 S/RES/1171 This resolution was on Sierra Leone and decided to terminate the remaining prohibitions imposed by paragraphs 5 and 6 of resolution 1132 (1997).
28 May 1998 S/RES/1170 This resolution established an ad hoc working group for six months to review recommendations in the Secretary-General's 13 April 1998 report on conflict, prepare a framework for their implementation and make proposals for concrete action for the Council.