UN Documents for Democratic Republic of the Congo: Security Council Resolutions

Security Council Resolutions Return to full list
9 November 1995 S/RES/1019 The Council expressed its grave concern at reports of grave violations of international humanitarian law and of human rights in and around Srebrenica, and in the areas of Banja Luka and Sanski Most, including reports of mass murder, unlawful detention and forced labour, rape, and deportation of civilians.
7 September 1995 S/RES/1013 This resolution requested the establishment of an International Commission of Inquiry to collect information and investigate reports relating to the sale or supply of arms and related matériel to former Rwandan government forces.
16 August 1995 S/RES/1011 This resolution partially lifted the 1994 Rwanda arms embargo for supplies to the government.
12 July 1995 S/RES/1004 This resolution demanded that Bosnian Serb forces cease their offensive and withdraw from Srebrenica.
14 April 1995 S/RES/986 This resolution established the oil-for-food program.
13 April 1995 S/RES/985 This resolution established a Sanctions Committee.
11 April 1995 S/RES/984 This resolution expressed its conviction that everything must be done to avoid nuclear war and prevent the spread of nuclear weapons as well as facilitate international cooperation in the peaceful use of nuclear energy.
29 November 1994 S/RES/963 This resolution recommended the Palau for UN membership.
8 November 1994 S/RES/955 This resolution established the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda.
4 November 1994 S/RES/954 This resolution determined UN Operation in Somalia II (UNOSOM II)'s withdrawal.
1 October 1994 S/RES/935 This resolution requested the Secretary-General to establish a commission of experts to obtain information regarding grave violations of international law.
31 July 1994 S/RES/940 This resolution authorised the deployment of a multinational force in Haiti and established UNMIH.
29 July 1994 S/RES/939 This resolution requested the Secretary-General to start consultations.
21 July 1994 S/RES/937 This resolution expanded the UN Observer Mission in Georgia's mandate.
22 June 1994 S/RES/929 This resolution authorised the French-led Opération Turquoise in Rwanda