UN Documents for Democratic Republic of the Congo: Security Council Resolutions

Security Council Resolutions Return to full list
21 July 1992 S/RES/766 This resolution on Cambodia demanded that one of the parties to permit without delay the deployment of the UN Transitional Authority in Cambodia (UNTAC).
6 July 1992 S/RES/763 This resolution recommended the Georgia for UN membership.
30 June 1992 S/RES/762 This resolution authoriz=sed the strengthening of the force.
29 June 1992 S/RES/761 This resolution authorised the additional deployment of the United Nations Protection Force.
30 May 1992 S/RES/757 This resolution strengthened sanctions and their enforcement in the context of the conflict in Bosnia and Herzegovina.
20 May 1992 S/RES/755 This resolution recommended Bosnia and Herzegovina for UN membership.
18 May 1992 S/RES/753 This resolution recommended Croatia for UN membership.
18 May 1992 S/RES/754 This resolution recommended Slovenia for UN membership.
15 May 1992 S/RES/752 This resolution contained a list of demands to the parties in Bosnia and Herzegovina.
24 April 1992 S/RES/751 This resolution established UN Operation in Somalia I (UNOSOM I) and a Sanctions Committee.
10 April 1992 S/RES/750 This resolution endorsed the Secretary-Genera "Set of Ideas".
31 March 1992 S/RES/748 This resolution imposed an arms embargo and selective travel ban on Libya, and established a sanctions committee.
31 March 1992 S/RES/731 This resolution condemned the destruction of Pan American flight 103.
17 March 1992 S/RES/746 This resolution supported the Secretary-General’s proposal to send a technical team to Somalia.
28 February 1992 S/RES/745 This resolution decided to established UNTA.