What's In Blue

Briefing and Consultations on Libya

The Council is scheduled to receive a videoconference briefing tomorrow morning (Thursday, 22 December) on Libya by Ian Martin, head of the UN Support Mission in Libya (UNSMIL). The briefing is due to be followed by consultations of Council members on Libya and the Libya sanctions committee. (UNSMIL’s mandate was extended in resolution 2022 of 2 December until 16 March and no Council action is anticipated following tomorrow’s briefing and consultations.)

It seems Council members are likely to be interested in hearing an update from Martin—who last briefed the Council on 28 November—on UNSMIL’s role in post-conflict Libya. Council members are likely to be interested in receiving an update on the security situation in Libya, such as the disbanding of armed militia and efforts to bring them under state control. Additionally, there may be interest in receiving further information on Saif Al-Islam Qaddafi, Col. Qaddafi’s captured son who has been indicted by the ICC but whom Libyan authorities have resolved to try in Libya.

Following Martin’s briefing, Ambassador José Filipe Moraes Cabral (Portugal)—as chair of the sanctions committee—is also due to provide an update on the committee’s recent developments, including on the issue of asset freezes. (On 16 December, the committee removed the remaining financial sanctions on the Central Bank of Libya and the Libyan Arab Foreign Bank. Resolution 1970 of 26 February imposed targeted sanctions and established the sanctions committee, while resolution 1973 of 17 March strengthened the sanctions regime, including listing five entities and seven individuals to be subject to an asset freeze.)

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